Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Learning Curve

After three daughters, multiple ballet and gymnastic classes, various band and chorus performances, more Girl Scout cookies than anyone has a right to and numerous manicures, hair appointments, sleep overs and crying spells, it was determined that this woman would have a son - and raise him alone.
Not only was I called to raise this son, he was designed to be "all boy."  If there is something to climb, he climbs it, something to throw, he throws it, something to kick, he kicks it and something to break within five seconds, he breaks it.  This kid KILLS the nature vs. nurture argument without effort.  Raised in a house with four girls, he is a stand alone icon - and it's fun.
The Boy LOVES sports - shoots hoops when bored, plays ball in the streets with the neighbors and enjoyed his first team experience playing Flag Football this year.  In my car, I now sport a fold out chair with a cup holder which takes me where I need to go, sit, watch and cheer for whatever is happening at any given moment.   The BIG Christmas present this year was an authentic NFL Cardinals jersey which he wears at least once per week to school and as soon as he returns home - I have to wash this thing nightly.
Since we have moved here, the football playoffs and Super Bowl's have been so very kind to us - we had the Giants vs. the Patriots right here in Glendale, we had the Cardinals, and now we have the Cardinals moving forward in the playoffs again.
Translation, Mom has had to sit and watch football with her big fan AND explain what's going on which is quite funny if you have known me for all of five minutes.  I've also had to learn to dodge unidentified flying objects out of the corner of my eye while cooking, not throw a ball "like a girl" and the numbers of each team member. 
These are things I surely would have passed off to Dad if he were here.
(Although the only sport he REALLY cared about was boxing.)
I definitely would have been in the kitchen making snacks for the boys and asking the score.

The wonder of life is this.......I am having such fun spending this time with my son, watching the games (which we had to rush home for today and which went into overtime and we won!) and learning right along side him.
The girls don't care so much.

By virtue of who they are, they get my attention and bring me to places I never thought
I would visit.
It's simply, wonderful!

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