Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The only person that should have to live up to your standards is YOU!
Let everyone else off the hook.
Pass no judgments.
Chances are you are wrong.
When one comes to this place of understanding, it is liberating. The energy changes and the world is a much happier place.
It's a lot easier to face each day when you are your only force to be reckoned with!
Enjoy the holidays! Live up to your standards and let the chips fall as they may!
Let everyone else off the hook.
Pass no judgments.
Chances are you are wrong.
When one comes to this place of understanding, it is liberating. The energy changes and the world is a much happier place.
It's a lot easier to face each day when you are your only force to be reckoned with!
Enjoy the holidays! Live up to your standards and let the chips fall as they may!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
YOU can't make another person feel loved.
If they aren't capable of loving themselves
in the first place...they are not going to feel
loved by you, either.
Your love can't heal another persons wounds.
Your love can't fill their heart.
In fact, your love may only serve as a reminder of their failure to love themselves.
Your love CAN call out to someone else's love and
wake it from a deep sleep, but it can't actually fill someone's emptiness.
Same goes for you, too.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
If you take your happiness
and put it in someone's hands....
sooner or later
they will break it,
or take it away.
When we get married,
we exchange rings
expecting the other person
will make us happy.
Big mistake: basing our happiness
on our partner.
Happiness can only come from inside of you
as a result of your love,
you are responsible for your happiness.
and put it in someone's hands....
sooner or later
they will break it,
or take it away.
When we get married,
we exchange rings
expecting the other person
will make us happy.
Big mistake: basing our happiness
on our partner.
Happiness can only come from inside of you
as a result of your love,
you are responsible for your happiness.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
No "If's"
Love is unconditional.
Fear is full of conditions.
"I love you...
if you let me control you,
if you fit into the image I make for you,
if you are good to me...."
In Love, there are no "if's".
I love you for no reason.
I love you the way you are,
and you are free to be the way you are.
We don't have the right to change anyone else,
and no one has the right to change us.
No "if's".
Fear is full of conditions.
"I love you...
if you let me control you,
if you fit into the image I make for you,
if you are good to me...."
In Love, there are no "if's".
I love you for no reason.
I love you the way you are,
and you are free to be the way you are.
We don't have the right to change anyone else,
and no one has the right to change us.
No "if's".
Friday, December 5, 2008
It's much easier to build valleys than bridges. Valleys exist when you point out every wrong, every misgiving, every hardship....Valleys are easy because they justify our feelings, disappointments and every other "dis" we've ever felt.
It's bridges we truly want.
Bridges are hard because they require an element of understanding, an element of forgiving and an element of forgetting. To build bridges, you cannot hold grudges, have a point to prove or an alterior motive. It's hard.
I've reached this point. The journey was hard and the losses many, I see what it is I want for my family and that is all that matters.
It's been a long hard road, but we're here!
Happy Holidays!
It's bridges we truly want.
Bridges are hard because they require an element of understanding, an element of forgiving and an element of forgetting. To build bridges, you cannot hold grudges, have a point to prove or an alterior motive. It's hard.
I've reached this point. The journey was hard and the losses many, I see what it is I want for my family and that is all that matters.
It's been a long hard road, but we're here!
Happy Holidays!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
What you learn when the going gets real tough.....
Who your real friends are.....
How many lives you touch without even realizing you do.....
How many lives touch yours.....
That you are thought about.....
That others care about your ups and downs,as you do theirs....
That you are remembered as you remember.....
That what goes around DOES come around.....
That you are loved both near and far as you love too.
I have been stunned this week with the contacts, the outpouring, the friendship, the concern and the overwhelming support from people throughout the globe. This is one of the most beautiful holiday seasons I can remember in a VERY long time.
How many lives you touch without even realizing you do.....
How many lives touch yours.....
That you are thought about.....
That others care about your ups and downs,as you do theirs....
That you are remembered as you remember.....
That what goes around DOES come around.....
That you are loved both near and far as you love too.
I have been stunned this week with the contacts, the outpouring, the friendship, the concern and the overwhelming support from people throughout the globe. This is one of the most beautiful holiday seasons I can remember in a VERY long time.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Spending Time with Family? Try These....
If someone upsets you, think......"Thanks, it's time I lose those expectations."
Someone who doesn't take your view into account,think...."That's okay. I was once like that."
If they lie to you, think...."I'm sorry you feel that need."
If they are rude to you, think...."Cheer up. It'll be okay."
If they judge you, think.... "Thanks for sharing your truth."
....And if they greet you with love and a smile.....smile back!
Someone who doesn't take your view into account,think...."That's okay. I was once like that."
If they lie to you, think...."I'm sorry you feel that need."
If they are rude to you, think...."Cheer up. It'll be okay."
If they judge you, think.... "Thanks for sharing your truth."
....And if they greet you with love and a smile.....smile back!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Everyone has a certain amount of garbage.
Your garbage is your garbage.
Those people in our lives...have garbage too.
If we try to clean up "their" garbage....
we end up injured.
It's not our mess to clean up, it's theirs.
You are never in relationship to clean up someone else's garbage...they will clean it up on their own.
Your garbage is your garbage.
Those people in our lives...have garbage too.
If we try to clean up "their" garbage....
we end up injured.
It's not our mess to clean up, it's theirs.
You are never in relationship to clean up someone else's garbage...they will clean it up on their own.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Suggestions for a Brighter Tomorrow

* There is life after this marriage
As hard as it is to believe right now, one day this marriage will just be something you did once. You'll go on and you'll have what you create.
* Get out of denial
Ask yourself: Did you really want that marriage, or were you hanging onto it out of fear? If being alone is a scarier thought than staying in a broken marriage, you're letting fear make your decisions. Are you mourning the loss of what your marriage was, or what you thought marriage would be?
* Don't burn daylight
Grieving doesn't have a time frame on it, but life does. Whether you realize it or not, life is marching on. There comes a time when you have to accept the fact and say, "I've got to get on with my life, I've got to get on with raising my children, I've got to get on with putting things together where I can be a happy, meaningful, productive member of society." Find a way to put one foot in front of the other and move forward.
* Take the catastrophic language out of your mind
"My life is over," "I've lost everything," and "Things are horrible" are labels that can have a powerful impact on how you feel. Recognize that it's factually not true. Your life isn't over, it's just a new beginning for you. Changing the negative tapes that run in your head can change how you physically feel.
* Don't waste time with regret
At some point you have to say, "It is what it is." You can't do anything about what you did before; but you can do a lot about what you're doing now.
* Be an example for your children
What kind of mom do you think your kids are experiencing when you're sitting around and crying and looking over your shoulder at what was instead of what is?
You've accepted it. Now it's time to jumpstart your life!
* Define a new relationship with your ex for your children
Your old relationship was husband and wife, your new relationship is as common allies of your children.
* Talk to your kids
Divorce can create emotional wounds in children. Talk to them about what's going on, what they're feeling, and how things will get better. Involve them. If they know there are things they can do to help this transition, it will give them a feeling of power.
* Make a plan
Assess your situation financially, look at your resources to see what your options are in terms of housing, job and finances.
* Create a support squad
Ask for help. People appreciate being asked for help. It's a gift to them to allow them to be there for you. Create a support squad of your closest friends who won't mind providing you with positive emotional support, professional guidance and ongoing inspiration. Realize that you're not the first person to go through this.
* Get your resources and assets around you
Do everything you can to program yourself for success. Find out what your strengths and skills are and focus on them to help move you in a new and positive direction. Everybody has a personal truth — what you believe about yourself when nobody's watching. Remember that you will create the results in life that you believe you deserve.
* Make time for yourself
Make a priority to be a little selfish and do something just for yourself. The most important gift you can give your children is to take care of their parents. Try a new class, start exercising, or reconnect with an old hobby you've forgotten about.
* Make your dream home
It's not the end of the world if you have to change houses. Know that you and your kids are going to create memories there and that's what makes it a dream home.
* Find your authentic self
Although you may no longer be one half of a couple, you are still 100 percent the person who you are. Find that person again.
* Find your passion
What is it that will make you excited to get out of bed every day? Make a list of what you can do to reach your goals.
* Have some joy with your kids
Choose to live with some fun in your new life. Create new memories with your children that will carry them into the future with self-esteem, confidence and happiness.
* Protect yourself in the future
It's important to always look at a relationship and ask yourself, "What's it costing me to be in this relationship?" If you totally lose yourself in it, then the cost is too high.
Most importantly.....live for today. Yesterday is in the past, tomorrow may never come, but today is a gift - that's why it's called the present!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Best Gifts We Can Give Our Children
With the holiday's right around the corner and the economy in despair, this Christmas will surely be lean. Giving thought to the truly important gifts we bestow on our children every day........
THE GIFT OF LOVE, CARE AND UNDERSTANDING. Children need unconditional love, tender care and sincere understanding from parents. There maybe other people who can show love, care and understanding to them but it is no comparable to what parents can give. For coming from parents is something unlimited, no time boundaries and genuine.
THE GIFT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY. It is our basic responsibility as parents to ensure our children's good health and safety. Proper nutrition, safe home and clothing are what they deserved from us.
THE GIFT OF EDUCATION. I remember my dad always told us that the only thing we can inherit from him is our education. Knowledge that cannot be stole by anybody and can be use as a tool in building our future.
THE GIFT OF VALUES AND SELF-DISCIPLINE. Teaching your children strong values is already a true gift from the heart. It will not only make them good citizens but a person who understands discipline.
THE GIFT OF QUALITY TIME. Our children will not be kids forever. They will grow and mature and have their own family too. Each day of their life should be given much value. Being with them all the time will not only increase your family bonding but you can help them build memories.
THE GIFT OF SUPPORT. All children deserve sincere support from parents not only financially but morally and spiritually. Advices and being with them always when problems occur is our way of showing them that we are responsible parents.
THE GIFT OF LOVE, CARE AND UNDERSTANDING. Children need unconditional love, tender care and sincere understanding from parents. There maybe other people who can show love, care and understanding to them but it is no comparable to what parents can give. For coming from parents is something unlimited, no time boundaries and genuine.
THE GIFT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY. It is our basic responsibility as parents to ensure our children's good health and safety. Proper nutrition, safe home and clothing are what they deserved from us.
THE GIFT OF EDUCATION. I remember my dad always told us that the only thing we can inherit from him is our education. Knowledge that cannot be stole by anybody and can be use as a tool in building our future.
THE GIFT OF VALUES AND SELF-DISCIPLINE. Teaching your children strong values is already a true gift from the heart. It will not only make them good citizens but a person who understands discipline.
THE GIFT OF QUALITY TIME. Our children will not be kids forever. They will grow and mature and have their own family too. Each day of their life should be given much value. Being with them all the time will not only increase your family bonding but you can help them build memories.
THE GIFT OF SUPPORT. All children deserve sincere support from parents not only financially but morally and spiritually. Advices and being with them always when problems occur is our way of showing them that we are responsible parents.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thinking Outloud Tonight.....
It was 3 1/2 years ago when the bomb dropped on my life. Cancer and divorce all in one giant swoop. I tried to stand strong, but truthfully, my broken heart and the advice of well meaning friends kept me angry and fighting. It wasn't fair. We really lost everything, but eachother. I can live with little. I wasn't raised in grandeur, but when you are fighting to feed your kids....well....there's not much to say.
What makes me different is that I do not choose to teach lessons or hold grudges. There's too much energy laden in that path. It's not my job. Funny, it is also something that my ex-husband had more difficulty with than I when dealing with certain family members of mine. People go through "stuff" and behave badly - I am no exception. When people change their behavior, the fight is over for me. Not so for some of my friends and I understand that, but for me...well....it's about the outcome.
The economy is a disaster. Add divorce to the already dismal mix and all in our shoes are struggling to make ends meet. I am one of the lucky people who has a family that knows that I don't shout out for help unless necessary and when I do, they respond immediately which I am eternally grateful for. Y'see, I do whatever I can before I ask and it is known that I am honest and trustworthy with the payback. I'm proud of that.
I'm also proud that I can see past the ugliness of the past years on behalf of my kids. Yes, there are many that would call me a fool. Okay. But my kids get one shot at being KIDS and I want it to be the very best journey I can provide. I want their dad involved in their life and I want it to be easy.
Their dad is arriving late tomorrow night for a weekend visit. We have a separate bed and bath downstairs that my dear daughter has been preparing all week for the guest. We have a kitchen and a playgound in the neighborhood. We have sunshine and friends and hot air balloons on the horizon in the morning and gorgeous sunsets in the eve. It's home.
I'm proud of them and also of their dad for putting differences aside to make the future brighter.
I hope that this weekend will be as wonderful as the anticipation leading up to it and look forward to posting a positive outcome.
What makes me different is that I do not choose to teach lessons or hold grudges. There's too much energy laden in that path. It's not my job. Funny, it is also something that my ex-husband had more difficulty with than I when dealing with certain family members of mine. People go through "stuff" and behave badly - I am no exception. When people change their behavior, the fight is over for me. Not so for some of my friends and I understand that, but for me...well....it's about the outcome.
The economy is a disaster. Add divorce to the already dismal mix and all in our shoes are struggling to make ends meet. I am one of the lucky people who has a family that knows that I don't shout out for help unless necessary and when I do, they respond immediately which I am eternally grateful for. Y'see, I do whatever I can before I ask and it is known that I am honest and trustworthy with the payback. I'm proud of that.
I'm also proud that I can see past the ugliness of the past years on behalf of my kids. Yes, there are many that would call me a fool. Okay. But my kids get one shot at being KIDS and I want it to be the very best journey I can provide. I want their dad involved in their life and I want it to be easy.
Their dad is arriving late tomorrow night for a weekend visit. We have a separate bed and bath downstairs that my dear daughter has been preparing all week for the guest. We have a kitchen and a playgound in the neighborhood. We have sunshine and friends and hot air balloons on the horizon in the morning and gorgeous sunsets in the eve. It's home.
I'm proud of them and also of their dad for putting differences aside to make the future brighter.
I hope that this weekend will be as wonderful as the anticipation leading up to it and look forward to posting a positive outcome.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My Little (BIG) Nephew!!!!
The hardest thing about divorce is losing family. I had a wonderful family and I am no longer a part of that clan. My brother-in-law married this summer and I awaited pictures because I was not invited. My nieces and nephews who I love dearly, I see less and less - soon to be no more as they grow and develop lives of their own. My brother and sisters-in-laws are bonded by blood thus their loyalty stays at home and we hear from them very, very little. We could always count on a holiday, a birthday, a celebration to bring us together, but now, even when it happens, it does not include me. It is amazing how the choices of one person can effect so many aspects of the lives of others. Somehow, when we fight for so many things in this country, we don't spend enough time fighting for our families.
My kids received a really fun package from their Aunt this week. Now that conferences were over and we had some daylight time, we were able to call and say thank you.
I love my sister-in-law. I miss the family dearly. Perhaps that is part of the reason that being so far away is sometimes easier......being close by and excluded is painful. Y'know, every time I talk to her, which isn't often, she says the same thing through tears. Somehow those very tears make me feel loved and appreciated. I miss her.
Anyway, my dear, wonderful nephew - a scholar and an athlete - is off to college. I missed all of high school and would have been the aunt sitting in the stands cheering him on! This terrific boy is off to Middlebury to study and play basketball and have the time of his life. I'm simply so proud of him! He's a tremendous kid!!!!
Congrats! I love to hear all about every wonderful thing that comes your way! I'm so very proud of you! I wish I could hug you and tell you this myself!!! You are terrific!
My kids received a really fun package from their Aunt this week. Now that conferences were over and we had some daylight time, we were able to call and say thank you.
I love my sister-in-law. I miss the family dearly. Perhaps that is part of the reason that being so far away is sometimes easier......being close by and excluded is painful. Y'know, every time I talk to her, which isn't often, she says the same thing through tears. Somehow those very tears make me feel loved and appreciated. I miss her.
Anyway, my dear, wonderful nephew - a scholar and an athlete - is off to college. I missed all of high school and would have been the aunt sitting in the stands cheering him on! This terrific boy is off to Middlebury to study and play basketball and have the time of his life. I'm simply so proud of him! He's a tremendous kid!!!!
Congrats! I love to hear all about every wonderful thing that comes your way! I'm so very proud of you! I wish I could hug you and tell you this myself!!! You are terrific!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Big Girl........
Jammers is old enough to trick-or-treat with friends. She's off! Wonderful moment for the skittish mom, her knew friend lives in our own neighborhood!!!! So Sammy is trekking off with her posse around Santa Catalina and we are doing home and at the end of the day, the kids are sleeping here. 3 hours in a familiar place with known neighbors and new friends for Jammy - three hours in a new place with new neighbors for us - a pick-up on a sugar high, a crazy night for Mom and.........until next year!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Another parent reinforces my self esteem and makes me smile/
Ms. A,
Thank you so much! John and I talked tonight about how grateful we are for your presence and influence in our kids' lives and ours. I feel like we have these wonderful and complicated little puzzles that we have to figure out, and it takes special teachers with great ability, interest, and heart to break the code. It is rare to find all of these things in a single teacher.
Thank you so much! John and I talked tonight about how grateful we are for your presence and influence in our kids' lives and ours. I feel like we have these wonderful and complicated little puzzles that we have to figure out, and it takes special teachers with great ability, interest, and heart to break the code. It is rare to find all of these things in a single teacher.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Day's End
Seriously, minus financial woes, I am happy. I LOVE my job and the parents and kids let me know daily that I DO make a difference. I have aged - I sit back passively now and understand the hysterical parent that I once took to heart - the parent I probably once was.
I am making wonderful lasting friends - not the kind that need to rehash every aspect of every situation - friends who chip in whether financially, physically or emotionally without being asked, friends who, like me, understand a struggle and celebrate a win - who get where I have been and appreciate the times I just need to SING!
I deal with little traffic!!!! Bonus + however, the ongoing construction is messing with my zen.
A parent tonight said, "I am just so grateful that you came into my boys life. I am thankful for you every day!"
My response: "I am grateful to work with your boys and grateful to have them with me."
SO.......while I hit the end of my rope today, the day ended on a positive note with hope and love and an invitation to dinner which is, quite honestly, the very beginning of the next phase of my life.
Geez....I hope (know) they are paying!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Feeling the stress.
Nothing is easy. My greatest stress - for as long as I remember- is dealing with finances. I do NOT like the inner turmoil this causes my heart. I feel the adrenaline rise, I get all emotional and feel like
I am twelve. Our cable is out, the electric bill still needs to be paid, the mortgage is due and the kids have needs food. clothing and shelter. I work two jobs. I do my part, but it is not enough. This is the bane of my existence - the greatest source of turmoil in my marriage and one that will never, ever go away. Sometimes, I want to give up and then, something wonderful happens and my heart swells with pride. I hope and pray that tomorrow is the day of something wonderful!!!!!! It is my son's birthday and I simply want to celebrate.
I am twelve. Our cable is out, the electric bill still needs to be paid, the mortgage is due and the kids have needs food. clothing and shelter. I work two jobs. I do my part, but it is not enough. This is the bane of my existence - the greatest source of turmoil in my marriage and one that will never, ever go away. Sometimes, I want to give up and then, something wonderful happens and my heart swells with pride. I hope and pray that tomorrow is the day of something wonderful!!!!!! It is my son's birthday and I simply want to celebrate.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
There are days that simply start off wrong - and today was one of them. My oldest daughter didn't feel well, but I had to send her to school because my other daughter has a play at school today and The Mom couldn't take the day off. I went to make dinner with the last of the food in the house and found it half eaten. I ran out of medication and cannot fill the script until the damn checks arrive. The fall festival is Friday - my oldest is volunteering and I can't buy the tickets for the others for the same reason I can't fill the script - and medication must come before festivals. Three of my kids have outgrown every single article of clothing they own - especially The Boy, who must have shot up three inches in two months. I'm working two jobs and have come to realize I will most likely need a night job to meet the needs of the kids alone. So, basically, today is one of those "I look like crap and I feel like a failure" days and I don't care who knows it!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Eye Opener
I've come to a tremendous realization about myself and that is, I did everything to make everyone else happy regardless of how I felt inside. My 40's have brought a new awakening - perhaps a midlife crises of sorts. If it doesn't look like me, I don't wear it, if it doesn't feel right, I don't do it and if I don't want to, I don't have to. This may seem simple to most of you.....but for me, I juggled a peacemaking roll and took a hell of a lot of judgment to heart - I was redressed, remade, reworked and tried for years to fit a square peg into a round hole to keep everyone happy. Ya know what.....no one worked half as hard for me and I am so happy to be me - in MY home, MY clothes and hanging with MY kids and friends in a place that doesn't feel strange anymore.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Working together for the common good
I am grateful today.
I was heard and action was taken. We have been struggling with lack of support - to no one's fault - but do to a gaff in the system that has held the funds in limbo for weeksandweeksandweeks. We have made multiple phone calls, been told multiple stories, tried in vain to resolve this issues, but to no avail. It's a real shame.
Finally, I spoke to Dad about the issue and requested that he attempt intervention. I am SO pleased that this did not turn out to be another reason to feud, but instead a cause that required action. Even better, there was follow through and COMMUNICATION that enabled the issue to move forward in a positive manner.
I am feeling better tonight. This too, shall come to an end.
I was heard and action was taken. We have been struggling with lack of support - to no one's fault - but do to a gaff in the system that has held the funds in limbo for weeksandweeksandweeks. We have made multiple phone calls, been told multiple stories, tried in vain to resolve this issues, but to no avail. It's a real shame.
Finally, I spoke to Dad about the issue and requested that he attempt intervention. I am SO pleased that this did not turn out to be another reason to feud, but instead a cause that required action. Even better, there was follow through and COMMUNICATION that enabled the issue to move forward in a positive manner.
I am feeling better tonight. This too, shall come to an end.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Full Days/Special Times
Sometimes, our days are so full that I feel like they run into each other. Ever felt that way? I start somewhere between 5 and 5:30 a.m. and go nonstop until lights out. With the economy challenging my status, I may have to take on a night job which will only add to the hours. No different than many others in my shoes these days and I'm holding off as long as I can.
That said, I was in an emotional pickle this morning. The landscapers cashed the check and somehow it was overlooked as a contract needing attention. That fixed, I'm still in a battle to get the child support due since the beginning of September - now we are two months in arrears and as I have said before, this is only the fault of bureaucracy. Not that this realization helps us much, but it is the truth. Kids are outgrowing clothes, food needs to be purchased, mortgage needs paying and our money sits in limbo somewhere between an employer and the state.
So, today for the first time in months - I lost it. I cried. I was angry. I'm fed up!! I'm sick of working my ass off and feeling behind the eight ball. I'm sick of the responsibility for everyday falling on me alone. I'm sick of people making decisions for themselves that impact my life. I'm sick of it all!!!!
At the end of my rope, I get a message from my in laws. They are coming to visit at the end of the month!!!! Further, I have the most wonderful morning greetings and night time hugs a mom could ever ask for. What started out as a terrible day ended so warm and loving and perfect.
We will make it.....we will make it....we will make it!!!!!!!!!
That said, I was in an emotional pickle this morning. The landscapers cashed the check and somehow it was overlooked as a contract needing attention. That fixed, I'm still in a battle to get the child support due since the beginning of September - now we are two months in arrears and as I have said before, this is only the fault of bureaucracy. Not that this realization helps us much, but it is the truth. Kids are outgrowing clothes, food needs to be purchased, mortgage needs paying and our money sits in limbo somewhere between an employer and the state.
So, today for the first time in months - I lost it. I cried. I was angry. I'm fed up!! I'm sick of working my ass off and feeling behind the eight ball. I'm sick of the responsibility for everyday falling on me alone. I'm sick of people making decisions for themselves that impact my life. I'm sick of it all!!!!
At the end of my rope, I get a message from my in laws. They are coming to visit at the end of the month!!!! Further, I have the most wonderful morning greetings and night time hugs a mom could ever ask for. What started out as a terrible day ended so warm and loving and perfect.
We will make it.....we will make it....we will make it!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'm struggling between a rock and a hard place.....
A friend of mine moved back to where I once lived and her struggle to readjust to the east coast breaks my heart. Another fell ill, quite suddenly and lost a family member in the flurry. A third is battling a heartbreaking disease.
I am not there for any of these wonderful people because I am in a personal battle all my own. I know they all understand, but I feel horrible not holding the hands, giving the hugs, making the meals and loving on those that make me smile.
To you all....I love you and I am here!
I am not there for any of these wonderful people because I am in a personal battle all my own. I know they all understand, but I feel horrible not holding the hands, giving the hugs, making the meals and loving on those that make me smile.
To you all....I love you and I am here!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Crazy Economy
I'm only too grateful that I bought my home when I did. That said, I'm missing the comfort of a savings in the bank. Please pray for us at this time of need. All prayers are welcome!!:) These are hard times for all!!!!
E Mail lovin'
Hi Mom,
I know that you had a tough day today and I have been trying to make it better.
Love~x billion, million, google, trillion
xoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxxoxxooxxoxoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxoxoxxoxxoxxxxxxxoooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxoxoxoxxoxxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxox OH JUST THINK OF THIS THE X AND O's UNTIL THE END OF TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I L*O*V*E U F*O*R*E*V*E*R AND 4 A*L*W*A*Y*S!!!!!!!!!!!!
~1. Pretty (and your)
~2. Smart (and your)
~3. Kind (and your)
I also L*O*V*E U because you take care of me when I am sick and you always will be on my side. You give me food and shelter and you would do anything for me because I love you and you love me and you are the sweetest and wonderful and best and greatest and strongest and bravest and anything good person I know.........
I know that you had a tough day today and I have been trying to make it better.
Love~x billion, million, google, trillion
xoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxxoxxooxxoxoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxoxoxxoxxoxxxxxxxoooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxoxoxoxxoxxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxox OH JUST THINK OF THIS THE X AND O's UNTIL THE END OF TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I L*O*V*E U F*O*R*E*V*E*R AND 4 A*L*W*A*Y*S!!!!!!!!!!!!
~1. Pretty (and your)
~2. Smart (and your)
~3. Kind (and your)
I also L*O*V*E U because you take care of me when I am sick and you always will be on my side. You give me food and shelter and you would do anything for me because I love you and you love me and you are the sweetest and wonderful and best and greatest and strongest and bravest and anything good person I know.........
Friday, September 26, 2008
Relax......You Probably Did Something Right Today
You know those days when everything that can go wrong will? They start somewhere before sunrise when a child gets sick in bed and end somewhere after the dog chews up your favorite pair of shoes.
In between, its just a blur and you are sure you are simply treading water to get through, rather than experience, the day.
Finally, there is that wonderful moment when you are hugged and hugged and hugged - unconditionally loved, just because you were there to see the day through.
In between, its just a blur and you are sure you are simply treading water to get through, rather than experience, the day.
Finally, there is that wonderful moment when you are hugged and hugged and hugged - unconditionally loved, just because you were there to see the day through.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A trek to the pet store with the girls today proved me wrong. Some genius has decided to FREEZE the mice so we don't have to witness the slaughter of innocent, furry little creatures that my girls would have wanted to adopt!
On sale today was a MALE baby Ball Python and he returned home from school today to an early birthday present and a new "night light"
At first, he was a bit shocked, then a bit nervous, but after 5 minutes The Boy and "Linny" were new best friends!
Monday, September 22, 2008
I Won the Bet!!!!
En route to school this morning, my birthday girl was feeling a bit lost. The last conversation she has with her dad was harsh!!!!
We have decompressed for days and as of this morning, she was questioning whether she was loved less than her sister.
Of course, I reassured her that was not the case. I, once again, went on a limb to explain what I know to be true. She would have none of it.
So....we made a bet. I bet her a hypothetical $50 that she would have her IPOD at the end of the day - that Dad would come through and proclaim himself a hero. I was laughed all of the way into school this morning.
None the less, the phone rang right after school. The IPOD was ordered and engraved. I know the pattern. Beat me up and bring me flowers! She was almost frustrated that I won the bet - I wasn't because she was smiling.
So the story ends happily. Albeit....we have a lot of therapy to deal with! :) I'll not let this happen again.
We have decompressed for days and as of this morning, she was questioning whether she was loved less than her sister.
Of course, I reassured her that was not the case. I, once again, went on a limb to explain what I know to be true. She would have none of it.
So....we made a bet. I bet her a hypothetical $50 that she would have her IPOD at the end of the day - that Dad would come through and proclaim himself a hero. I was laughed all of the way into school this morning.
None the less, the phone rang right after school. The IPOD was ordered and engraved. I know the pattern. Beat me up and bring me flowers! She was almost frustrated that I won the bet - I wasn't because she was smiling.
So the story ends happily. Albeit....we have a lot of therapy to deal with! :) I'll not let this happen again.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Dinner Table
From the time my kids were born, sitting down at the dinner table was an important part of our day - as important as reading aloud, tucks in and bedtime rituals.
For awhile, I lost my momentum as a mom. I had no appetite, my taste buds were fried by radiation and, quite frankly, I was suffering a paralyzing depression that afforded me the energy to go to work, deal with the kids, and head off to sleep asap. Such is life when dealt huge blows.
Of course, the kids always has a nutritious dinner and there bedtime story. It was the family time that was lacking.
Well, healed and moving on, sorry for the past and moving forward, we have our tradition renewed. It is such and important time of the day. We sit together - no t.v., no phone, no anything but each other and we process the day, resolve conflict, make plans and just connect.
As we navigate these dark seas, I want to offer out hope. If you asked me 1 year ago where I'd be....I'd have no answer. Even six months ago, I was still caught in the system.
But, sitting down to dinner, seven nights per week, LAUGHING, SHARING and LOVING.....Priceless!!!!!
For awhile, I lost my momentum as a mom. I had no appetite, my taste buds were fried by radiation and, quite frankly, I was suffering a paralyzing depression that afforded me the energy to go to work, deal with the kids, and head off to sleep asap. Such is life when dealt huge blows.
Of course, the kids always has a nutritious dinner and there bedtime story. It was the family time that was lacking.
Well, healed and moving on, sorry for the past and moving forward, we have our tradition renewed. It is such and important time of the day. We sit together - no t.v., no phone, no anything but each other and we process the day, resolve conflict, make plans and just connect.
As we navigate these dark seas, I want to offer out hope. If you asked me 1 year ago where I'd be....I'd have no answer. Even six months ago, I was still caught in the system.
But, sitting down to dinner, seven nights per week, LAUGHING, SHARING and LOVING.....Priceless!!!!!
I'm a LIAR!!!!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
What is there to say?
Two of my daughters celebrate birthdays this week. One makes sure the world knows about it - weeksandweeksandweeks ahead of time and has a list a mile long of desires, wants and wishes. The other, is more humble about it - wishing to be remembered from the "outside" by others who show her that she is in their thoughts. She waits until asked to share her desires. She wonders about the little surprises that may await.
That said, she also is easily disappointed and brought to anger when she feels forgotten. I get it - I used to be the very same way. My expectations of people were, well......I expected to receive the same "love" I put out there. If someone said they would "call me later" I was offended when later never came.
With maturity and experience; the busyness of life, I lost that trait. I no longer expect anything from anyone and am, quite frankly, surprised when I am remembered, thought about or considered at all!!! :) Such is life raising four kids alone!!!!!
Well, for my beautiful adolescent, life hasn't taught those lessons yet. She is struggling tonight - and has been for a few days with disappointment. Her father can't purchase both birthday gifts at once, but rather than explaining that fact, they have been arguing - the problem, in her eyes, being refocused on her. Oh that I could give her just a piece of the lessons I've learned dealing with this very situation for the past three years!!!!!!!
She is not a "BRAT" as she has been called multiple times in the past few days - just a kid that wants her parents as excited about her big day as she is!!!!!! A kid, that just once, wants to feel that she is remembered and considered and loved unconditionally by both of her parents.
So, I sit here tonight speechless. To say we go through these motions every year is pointless. To try to explain projection and denial - just as worthless. For me to bring up those angry and hurt emotions - backsliding; and quite honestly, I fall into a place of apathy rather than anger now. Heck, I've spent years in therapy trying to understand these things myself and my old, wise person still gets frustrated at times. (Hence the reason I no longer even try to foster the conversations anymore!)
These situations no longer make my blood boil. I am in a good place where I offer my child advice and an unconditional ear - I want her to resolve these conflicts, not remain paralyzed by them. They no longer keep us up until the wee hours and although she had some pretty HARSH words on her lips tonight, she was quickly settled and our house has moved on. In fact, she has already placed a call to discuss her feelings now that the anger has somewhat subsided. She's a faster learner than I ever was!!!!! :)
Really, there is little I can say and her evaluation of the situation was spot on. I just listen and listen and listen and really, that's all that she needs.
That said, she also is easily disappointed and brought to anger when she feels forgotten. I get it - I used to be the very same way. My expectations of people were, well......I expected to receive the same "love" I put out there. If someone said they would "call me later" I was offended when later never came.
With maturity and experience; the busyness of life, I lost that trait. I no longer expect anything from anyone and am, quite frankly, surprised when I am remembered, thought about or considered at all!!! :) Such is life raising four kids alone!!!!!
Well, for my beautiful adolescent, life hasn't taught those lessons yet. She is struggling tonight - and has been for a few days with disappointment. Her father can't purchase both birthday gifts at once, but rather than explaining that fact, they have been arguing - the problem, in her eyes, being refocused on her. Oh that I could give her just a piece of the lessons I've learned dealing with this very situation for the past three years!!!!!!!
She is not a "BRAT" as she has been called multiple times in the past few days - just a kid that wants her parents as excited about her big day as she is!!!!!! A kid, that just once, wants to feel that she is remembered and considered and loved unconditionally by both of her parents.
So, I sit here tonight speechless. To say we go through these motions every year is pointless. To try to explain projection and denial - just as worthless. For me to bring up those angry and hurt emotions - backsliding; and quite honestly, I fall into a place of apathy rather than anger now. Heck, I've spent years in therapy trying to understand these things myself and my old, wise person still gets frustrated at times. (Hence the reason I no longer even try to foster the conversations anymore!)
These situations no longer make my blood boil. I am in a good place where I offer my child advice and an unconditional ear - I want her to resolve these conflicts, not remain paralyzed by them. They no longer keep us up until the wee hours and although she had some pretty HARSH words on her lips tonight, she was quickly settled and our house has moved on. In fact, she has already placed a call to discuss her feelings now that the anger has somewhat subsided. She's a faster learner than I ever was!!!!! :)
Really, there is little I can say and her evaluation of the situation was spot on. I just listen and listen and listen and really, that's all that she needs.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
No different,,,
I had one of those epiphanies tonight.
My life is no different now than it was before.
I miss the sharing of an evening t.v. show; perhaps a footrub and definitely the security of knowing that someone else was there, but beyond that......my jobs remain the same.
THAT is a big eye-opener.
I miss the fun times......not the extra work.
I loved being married, but am not sure I'll ever do it again.
My life is no different now than it was before.
I miss the sharing of an evening t.v. show; perhaps a footrub and definitely the security of knowing that someone else was there, but beyond that......my jobs remain the same.
THAT is a big eye-opener.
I miss the fun times......not the extra work.
I loved being married, but am not sure I'll ever do it again.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I Love....
My new house.
Celebrating birthdays.
Wonderful teachers.
cEven better, friend.
Great food.
People to share it with.
hA good bargain.
A Gift card.
Snuggles in the early morning.
Snuggles whenever.
Random visits.
An good old story.
A hearty laugh.
A playful giggle.
A shared dream.
My own dreams.
Cut outs.
Clean ups.
Clean laundry
Fresh sheets
The smell of the snuggle with my kids after a bath.
Puppies in general.
A clean house.
..... to be continued
Celebrating birthdays.
Wonderful teachers.
cEven better, friend.
Great food.
People to share it with.
hA good bargain.
A Gift card.
Snuggles in the early morning.
Snuggles whenever.
Random visits.
An good old story.
A hearty laugh.
A playful giggle.
A shared dream.
My own dreams.
Cut outs.
Clean ups.
Clean laundry
Fresh sheets
The smell of the snuggle with my kids after a bath.
Puppies in general.
A clean house.
..... to be continued
Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday night.....
We headed out from school today at 3:45 to a check up (and needed shot) for the BOY who has charm, intelligence and integrity for everything BUT shots so we hung in there and dealt with the trauma. Even the nurse had to laugh at the dirty look that followed the needle!!!! Mom truly, had to hide her giggles. SO CUTE!!!!!!
The bottom line - I was there. I comforted the wound. I held the Boy and in minutes, the trauma was over - we were on to dinner.
This is what they will remember. Just being there when it STINGS!!!!!!!!!
The bottom line - I was there. I comforted the wound. I held the Boy and in minutes, the trauma was over - we were on to dinner.
This is what they will remember. Just being there when it STINGS!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sweet Tooth

OMG!!!! Was I a HERO tonight at dessert!!!!! So easy - so delicious - so reasonable. Should you ever encounter one of these sales.....JUST DO IT!!!!!! I made eight cookies - already they're asking about tomorrow night.
(I'm thinkin' I can get some great housework done with this motivator!)
The Routine.....
There's one of me.
There's four of them. (Plus two puppies!!!)
It took awhile to regain composure and reestablish a routine that met everyone's needs.
As I've said in earlier posts, my needs are generally met in the early a.m. before I am bombarded with needs and requests, questions and stories, hair and homework, emails and conferences.......oh, the list is endless!!!!!
We awake EARLY - a full two hours before school. The kids know - they are not to emerge before dressed (unless they awake extra early) and beds are made, laundry collected and ready for breakfast. Of course, this is perfection and laden with reminders and redirection, but as they age, it gets better and better.
Following a quick breakfast with lunch boxes in hand, we head out the door. They are not allowed to buy school lunch more than once (OCCASIONALLY twice) per week so while they dress, I prepare breakfast and lunch. We usually leave the house at around 7:30 a.m. as Jammers hits the bus at 8:00 and I need some before school time to organize. My position as a duty aide begins at 8:30 so I lost an extra 40 minutes in the morning. It hasn't been bad.
After school, I also duty aide. Once done, I meet the kids in my classroom - there is NO play allowed until the majority of homework is done. This is the motivator for hard work - in addition, the best time to have my attention if needed for assignments. Generally, we leave school around 5 p.m. - sometimes a little later, but I try to keep to a schedule for their sake. Near 5:30, we enter our home.
At this hour, I start dinner and the little ones start baths and showers. By 6:30, we sit down to a family dinner. This is an important, decompressing time of the day and the t.v. is off, the phone off the hook. The kids set the table and clear. It's one of the times I learn the most about my kids.
By 7:30, the dishes are cleared. There is a bit of time for relaxation before read alouds and tuck-ins.
8:30-9:00, my house is closed for the day. The dishwasher is humming and so too are the washer and drier. Responsibilities complete, we hunker down for another LLOONNNNGGG day ahead.
People often compliment us on our "togetherness." (LOL - for awhile we were anything BUT!) Really, we couldn't function without a clock, a calendar and a routine!
There's four of them. (Plus two puppies!!!)
It took awhile to regain composure and reestablish a routine that met everyone's needs.
As I've said in earlier posts, my needs are generally met in the early a.m. before I am bombarded with needs and requests, questions and stories, hair and homework, emails and conferences.......oh, the list is endless!!!!!
We awake EARLY - a full two hours before school. The kids know - they are not to emerge before dressed (unless they awake extra early) and beds are made, laundry collected and ready for breakfast. Of course, this is perfection and laden with reminders and redirection, but as they age, it gets better and better.
Following a quick breakfast with lunch boxes in hand, we head out the door. They are not allowed to buy school lunch more than once (OCCASIONALLY twice) per week so while they dress, I prepare breakfast and lunch. We usually leave the house at around 7:30 a.m. as Jammers hits the bus at 8:00 and I need some before school time to organize. My position as a duty aide begins at 8:30 so I lost an extra 40 minutes in the morning. It hasn't been bad.
After school, I also duty aide. Once done, I meet the kids in my classroom - there is NO play allowed until the majority of homework is done. This is the motivator for hard work - in addition, the best time to have my attention if needed for assignments. Generally, we leave school around 5 p.m. - sometimes a little later, but I try to keep to a schedule for their sake. Near 5:30, we enter our home.
At this hour, I start dinner and the little ones start baths and showers. By 6:30, we sit down to a family dinner. This is an important, decompressing time of the day and the t.v. is off, the phone off the hook. The kids set the table and clear. It's one of the times I learn the most about my kids.
By 7:30, the dishes are cleared. There is a bit of time for relaxation before read alouds and tuck-ins.
8:30-9:00, my house is closed for the day. The dishwasher is humming and so too are the washer and drier. Responsibilities complete, we hunker down for another LLOONNNNGGG day ahead.
People often compliment us on our "togetherness." (LOL - for awhile we were anything BUT!) Really, we couldn't function without a clock, a calendar and a routine!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What it Means to Move Ahead....
There are many people I know, who saw me at my worst. I was a complete mess...admittedly so! Oh, the sadness, the resentfulness, the loss and the fear! Enough said. Those were bad times. I can hardly remember them now - I simply motored through, did what I had to do to get to the next day - made it work.
Some are able to forget those times - to others they define my family and I. It's sad to think that a few weak years redefine a lifetime, but they do. I accept that. I know I have also been guilty of the same!
The bottom line is that, in order to move on, sometimes you have to kiss a loving good-bye to those that hold you in the past. It's a sad time. It should be done with grace, but it rarely is. I've done it AND I've felt it.
In reality, relationships go through seasons. I've had some of the best and continue to cherish those near and dear. I have also had my eyes opened to those that were toxic - damaging to the big picture of life - those people that were really, on the "opposing team," who loved to 'kick me when I was down' just to pick me up. After awhile, it was expected - it got old - my ears got tired. That's a painful, but illuminating lesson.
From those lessons, I have felt empowered - stronger - better able to handle the trials of life and my focus has been regrounded.
We're glad to be where we are now! So glad life moves forward rather than in reverse!
Some are able to forget those times - to others they define my family and I. It's sad to think that a few weak years redefine a lifetime, but they do. I accept that. I know I have also been guilty of the same!
The bottom line is that, in order to move on, sometimes you have to kiss a loving good-bye to those that hold you in the past. It's a sad time. It should be done with grace, but it rarely is. I've done it AND I've felt it.
In reality, relationships go through seasons. I've had some of the best and continue to cherish those near and dear. I have also had my eyes opened to those that were toxic - damaging to the big picture of life - those people that were really, on the "opposing team," who loved to 'kick me when I was down' just to pick me up. After awhile, it was expected - it got old - my ears got tired. That's a painful, but illuminating lesson.
From those lessons, I have felt empowered - stronger - better able to handle the trials of life and my focus has been regrounded.
We're glad to be where we are now! So glad life moves forward rather than in reverse!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Brute Strength or Adreneline Overload:)
Just after we moved into our home, my five year old did what five years olds do.....within minutes, the master bathtub overflowed (in the 20 seconds I went downstairs to pull a boiling pot off the stove) and we had a proverbial rainstorm in our family room. Of course, water takes the path of least resistance so, through the prewired surround sound outlets and atop our television it poured. The internal components were immediately fried. BUMMER! For weeks now, we have had no family movie nights and shortly following this, the kids "accidently" knocked the loft television off line as well which left us with a twenty-inch screen in the master bedroom for all of our visual entertainment needs.
I inquired about the cost of repair and was sadly informed that the cost of fixing our well outdated big screen would be more than the cost of purchasing a new, low end model. Now, I don't have the funds to do either and after a depressing trek through Best Buy yesterday, I was resigned to the fact that we and our twenty inch screen would just have to make do for awhile. Not the worst thing in the world, but not the best either.
Enter Super Mom. After much internet research and a few failed attempts, I succeeded in rewiring our loft t.v!!!! Filled with a newfound enthusiam, I decided that this t.v. would make it's way to our family room and we would reclaim Friday night at the movies. SINGLE HANDEDLY, I moved the huge, HEAVY, broken set out of the way and carried the other set down, rewired again (now I'm an expert) and we are up and running - FOR FREE!!!!
Admittedly, I'm a bit proud of myself!!!! (and I'm a hero to my kids as well - an added little perk that I'll hold onto for the next bad day!)
I inquired about the cost of repair and was sadly informed that the cost of fixing our well outdated big screen would be more than the cost of purchasing a new, low end model. Now, I don't have the funds to do either and after a depressing trek through Best Buy yesterday, I was resigned to the fact that we and our twenty inch screen would just have to make do for awhile. Not the worst thing in the world, but not the best either.
Enter Super Mom. After much internet research and a few failed attempts, I succeeded in rewiring our loft t.v!!!! Filled with a newfound enthusiam, I decided that this t.v. would make it's way to our family room and we would reclaim Friday night at the movies. SINGLE HANDEDLY, I moved the huge, HEAVY, broken set out of the way and carried the other set down, rewired again (now I'm an expert) and we are up and running - FOR FREE!!!!
Admittedly, I'm a bit proud of myself!!!! (and I'm a hero to my kids as well - an added little perk that I'll hold onto for the next bad day!)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Before You Divorce...
The wages are FINALLY garnished.
Let me explain what that means.....
The employer has seven days to turn the wages over to the state which now forward them to me - soon to be a direct deposit, but not yet....another 30 days out.
As this just took affect.....we see no money and we have no more to give.
It will take weeks before we are "caught up.
Thus, my mortgage needs to be paid and until next month we are not ahead of the game.
We took our last $50 to purchase weekend food.
Talk about LEAN!!!!!!
The wages are FINALLY garnished.
Let me explain what that means.....
The employer has seven days to turn the wages over to the state which now forward them to me - soon to be a direct deposit, but not yet....another 30 days out.
As this just took affect.....we see no money and we have no more to give.
It will take weeks before we are "caught up.
Thus, my mortgage needs to be paid and until next month we are not ahead of the game.
We took our last $50 to purchase weekend food.
Talk about LEAN!!!!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Family Vacation.....
We invited dad for the long weekend in Disney in October. We feel great about ir. It is a birthday getaway for the kids and the gift they requested. I love that we can do it. No strings. Just Family time together.
In our house, bedtime doesn't stagger.....we all brush teeth together, potty and get ready for the "read around" The youngest reads to the rest and gets tucked in, the next youngest reads aloud and gets tucked in, the third reads to the two others (they share a room) and the last reads to me. We switch the order - sometimes oldest to youngest - sometimes we start in the middle. It's a beautiful, wonderful family tradition that both serves to meet the read aloud requirement and also join our family tightly before bed. It's a time of day I absolutely covet as a mother because the focus is where it should absolutely be.
Wake and Sleep
I truly do awake at 5 a.m. It's the hour when I catch up on life. I read, correct papers, wander with my cup of coffee - sometimes doze - a lazy,relaxed way to enter the day....It's a cherished time for me - my only time alone. Around 6:30 the house begins to stir and the day hits me head on, right between the eyes. From that moment until about 7:30p.m. we hit work/school, my after school job, homework, house cleaning,cooking, laundry, dishes - it's a whirlwind. Finally, we settle all together for a show or a book or both for a brief few minutes before we hunker down. Mom too. Long day. And tomorrow morning we start all over again........I DO APPRECIATE THE WEEKENDS!!!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Election......
Is anyone else having trouble with the fact that this has turned in to an election of VP's rather than P's?!?! Just wondering - late at night.......
Sunday, August 31, 2008
All Moved In....Again........
I had an epiphany tonight.....
Perhaps I've had it before, but tonight was different.
Since 2002, I have moved FIVE times.....FIVE!!!!!! For a girl that lived in the same house for 36 years of her life, that in itself, is mind boggling!!! (and the first of those moves was to a wonderful home that lasted three years!)
What I realized tonight is that four of those moves were done SOLO and the first was done before the birth of the fourth child. In other words, my ex has never moved himself with all four children, but we together, have been transient. No wonder I'm tired!!!!! (and, admittedly, a bit resentful after this weekend!)
As we unpacked, put away, cleaned up and worked together to make our house a HOME, it struck me how much we have been through and how well we have succeeded together. My boy was two - and now he's a full time student.....my OLDEST was eight and now a tween!
I was born into the same house that received three of my four children. THIS house is THEIRS.......
Welcome home, kids!!!!
Perhaps I've had it before, but tonight was different.
Since 2002, I have moved FIVE times.....FIVE!!!!!! For a girl that lived in the same house for 36 years of her life, that in itself, is mind boggling!!! (and the first of those moves was to a wonderful home that lasted three years!)
What I realized tonight is that four of those moves were done SOLO and the first was done before the birth of the fourth child. In other words, my ex has never moved himself with all four children, but we together, have been transient. No wonder I'm tired!!!!! (and, admittedly, a bit resentful after this weekend!)
As we unpacked, put away, cleaned up and worked together to make our house a HOME, it struck me how much we have been through and how well we have succeeded together. My boy was two - and now he's a full time student.....my OLDEST was eight and now a tween!
I was born into the same house that received three of my four children. THIS house is THEIRS.......
Welcome home, kids!!!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Our Home at Last!
Our Home at Last!
We did it!!!! We finished the move. A good house cleaning and a "thank you so much" and we're off to our new life with no strings attached. Truly, I didn't realize until after a LLOOONNNGGG 12 hour day at work, just how exhausting this has been. I look around my wonderful, simple new home, my perfect neighborhood for the kids, and all I see are BOXES and pictures awaiting their permanent resting places. Being the great procrastinator that I am, I simply look. I have a lifetime to complete this task, right? I've said this before and I HOPE I never say this again......"If I never move again it will be too soon!" (Although, I must admit, doing it in stages was FAR LESS stressful than an all at once gig and I barely noticed the strain until I came close to the deadline.)
There is a reason why moving is on the top ten list of stressors - along with death of a loved one, illness, job changes, divorce etc. Amazingly, I was hit with 5 out of ten simultaneously and I'm still standing - happy and peaceful, in fact. Would I want to live through any of this again? NO!!!!!!!! Did I struggle at times? YES!!!!! Is it over? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No matter what your circumstances, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it's a spark, sometimes just a flicker....but it's there. You just keep swimming until you can see it head on and you learn with each dark, scary step that all will eventually be okay.
I'm sure those people who climb big mountains don't LOVE the journey. It's the goal. From the bottom, the journey must look daunting. Mid way, the fatigue must be paralyzing. Close to the top, there must be thoughts of "I can't do this anymore, but I came this far so I press on."
....And then, they reach the summit...the gold ring....the prize....and they realize, they have a great story to tell and it was all worth it because they MADE IT!
We did it!!!! We finished the move. A good house cleaning and a "thank you so much" and we're off to our new life with no strings attached. Truly, I didn't realize until after a LLOOONNNGGG 12 hour day at work, just how exhausting this has been. I look around my wonderful, simple new home, my perfect neighborhood for the kids, and all I see are BOXES and pictures awaiting their permanent resting places. Being the great procrastinator that I am, I simply look. I have a lifetime to complete this task, right? I've said this before and I HOPE I never say this again......"If I never move again it will be too soon!" (Although, I must admit, doing it in stages was FAR LESS stressful than an all at once gig and I barely noticed the strain until I came close to the deadline.)
There is a reason why moving is on the top ten list of stressors - along with death of a loved one, illness, job changes, divorce etc. Amazingly, I was hit with 5 out of ten simultaneously and I'm still standing - happy and peaceful, in fact. Would I want to live through any of this again? NO!!!!!!!! Did I struggle at times? YES!!!!! Is it over? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No matter what your circumstances, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it's a spark, sometimes just a flicker....but it's there. You just keep swimming until you can see it head on and you learn with each dark, scary step that all will eventually be okay.
I'm sure those people who climb big mountains don't LOVE the journey. It's the goal. From the bottom, the journey must look daunting. Mid way, the fatigue must be paralyzing. Close to the top, there must be thoughts of "I can't do this anymore, but I came this far so I press on."
....And then, they reach the summit...the gold ring....the prize....and they realize, they have a great story to tell and it was all worth it because they MADE IT!
Curriculum Night...
Tonight was curriculum night - the night the parents come and hear about the grade level expectations and methods used to meet the state and federal standards. I have been the Gifted Education specialist at my school for a few years and, for the most part, the parents of the gifted education kids LOVE me because their kids do and because I get their kids.
Now, there are a few high achievers that, through extra enrichment and tutoring, have seeped into the program. These parents want to rewrite the curriculum to meet their needs....to make their children's education more "elite" than that of the other kids. They bore me.
The parents of truly "gifted kids" have their hands full with a host of other issues and are simply happy if they do not get a phone call home during the day. These "out of the box thinkers" are a challenge to teach and more, a challenge to parent. The are distracted, passionate, disorganized - and many are twice exceptional. Gifted education IS a branch of special education - not some sought after goal that guarantees entrance into Harvard. Many of these kids, if not motivated, become dropouts because the "system" doesn't work for them and simply socializing with typical kids is a challenge.
I love my job - I love the fact that I get to utilize many of my skills and degrees to make for a wonderful day for my students. I do not love some of the parents that come in with a chip on their shoulder wanting a private or charter school program in a public education setting. I do not love being put on the spot by the same mother over and over again, year after year because she wants what she wants - not what the district mandates.
In our state, parents have choices and these parents have money. If they are displeased with the public school, they can opt for charter or private school. They can opt in and out of schools within the district through open enrollment. With so many options, I don't see why they have to challenge instead of choose.
I do my job and I do it well. I am the first Gifted Education Specialist to stay in the role for more than one year because of the nature of the population at this school. The role suits me and 98% of the parents dole out a plethora of accolades!
Why I let this 2% bother me is a mystery. I guess, as a dedicated teacher, I want to please everyone all of the time although I know this is impossible.
Now, there are a few high achievers that, through extra enrichment and tutoring, have seeped into the program. These parents want to rewrite the curriculum to meet their needs....to make their children's education more "elite" than that of the other kids. They bore me.
The parents of truly "gifted kids" have their hands full with a host of other issues and are simply happy if they do not get a phone call home during the day. These "out of the box thinkers" are a challenge to teach and more, a challenge to parent. The are distracted, passionate, disorganized - and many are twice exceptional. Gifted education IS a branch of special education - not some sought after goal that guarantees entrance into Harvard. Many of these kids, if not motivated, become dropouts because the "system" doesn't work for them and simply socializing with typical kids is a challenge.
I love my job - I love the fact that I get to utilize many of my skills and degrees to make for a wonderful day for my students. I do not love some of the parents that come in with a chip on their shoulder wanting a private or charter school program in a public education setting. I do not love being put on the spot by the same mother over and over again, year after year because she wants what she wants - not what the district mandates.
In our state, parents have choices and these parents have money. If they are displeased with the public school, they can opt for charter or private school. They can opt in and out of schools within the district through open enrollment. With so many options, I don't see why they have to challenge instead of choose.
I do my job and I do it well. I am the first Gifted Education Specialist to stay in the role for more than one year because of the nature of the population at this school. The role suits me and 98% of the parents dole out a plethora of accolades!
Why I let this 2% bother me is a mystery. I guess, as a dedicated teacher, I want to please everyone all of the time although I know this is impossible.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
What teachers make.....
What Teachers Make
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a
CEO, decided to explain the problem with education.
He argued, 'What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best
option in life was to become a teacher?'
He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: 'Those
who can, do. Those who can't, teach'
To emphasize his point he said to another guest; 'You're a teacher, Bonnie.
Be honest. What do you make?'
Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, 'You want
to know what I make? (She paused for a second, then began...)
'Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a
C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor.
I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't
make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental.
You want to know what I make?' (She paused again and looked at each and
every person at the table.)
''I make kids wonder.
I make them question.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.
I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding isn't
I make them read, read, read.
I make them show all their work in math. They use their God-given brain,
not the man-made calculator.
I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know
in English while preserving their unique cultural identity.
I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.
I make my students stand, placing their hand over their heart to say the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, One Nation Under God, because we live in
the United States of America .
I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work
hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life.'
(Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.)
'Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money
isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because
they are ignorant... You want to know what I make?
I MAKE A DIFFERENCE. What do you make Mr. CEO?'
His jaw dropped, he went silent.
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a
CEO, decided to explain the problem with education.
He argued, 'What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best
option in life was to become a teacher?'
He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: 'Those
who can, do. Those who can't, teach'
To emphasize his point he said to another guest; 'You're a teacher, Bonnie.
Be honest. What do you make?'
Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, 'You want
to know what I make? (She paused for a second, then began...)
'Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a
C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor.
I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't
make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental.
You want to know what I make?' (She paused again and looked at each and
every person at the table.)
''I make kids wonder.
I make them question.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.
I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding isn't
I make them read, read, read.
I make them show all their work in math. They use their God-given brain,
not the man-made calculator.
I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know
in English while preserving their unique cultural identity.
I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.
I make my students stand, placing their hand over their heart to say the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, One Nation Under God, because we live in
the United States of America .
I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work
hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life.'
(Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.)
'Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money
isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because
they are ignorant... You want to know what I make?
I MAKE A DIFFERENCE. What do you make Mr. CEO?'
His jaw dropped, he went silent.
Doing the right thing - because I want to
The boy said to me today, "I don't have a real daddy." It broke my heart. Really.
I responded saying, "You have a wonderful Daddy. You just had a great trip to NY and it was a wonderful time with Dad!"
Response: "But I don't have a real dad like the other kids." \
No.....he doesn't.
Wnen Daddy called tonight, the kids asked if he was coming for their birthdays. I had been thinking about this for awhile, silently pondering how I would deal with this as money for both of us is tight, tight TIGHT!!!!!!
We now have a downstairs bedroom and, quite honestly, neither of us has a dime to spare and I know that.
So, I buckled down and offered the room - something I've been pondering late at night for weeks - I went out on a limb on behalf of wonderful kids and Dad does, in fact, have a place to say if he so chooses. I know many would call me a fool, but really, who wins and who loses? Is it about the adults or the children? (Silently, the best thing I ever did was to get rid of the staunch critics!)
So many would call me a fool, but really it's all about them and seeing their dad is the most important thing.
I'm happy - not sorry, guys!
And yes....I do hope he takes the offer on behalf of our WONDERFUL childrem!
I responded saying, "You have a wonderful Daddy. You just had a great trip to NY and it was a wonderful time with Dad!"
Response: "But I don't have a real dad like the other kids." \
No.....he doesn't.
Wnen Daddy called tonight, the kids asked if he was coming for their birthdays. I had been thinking about this for awhile, silently pondering how I would deal with this as money for both of us is tight, tight TIGHT!!!!!!
We now have a downstairs bedroom and, quite honestly, neither of us has a dime to spare and I know that.
So, I buckled down and offered the room - something I've been pondering late at night for weeks - I went out on a limb on behalf of wonderful kids and Dad does, in fact, have a place to say if he so chooses. I know many would call me a fool, but really, who wins and who loses? Is it about the adults or the children? (Silently, the best thing I ever did was to get rid of the staunch critics!)
So many would call me a fool, but really it's all about them and seeing their dad is the most important thing.
I'm happy - not sorry, guys!
And yes....I do hope he takes the offer on behalf of our WONDERFUL childrem!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A Conversation with a Kindergartener
The Boy: Me and Keanu and Ben caught a WHOLE FAMILY of beetles on the playground!
The Mom: Really? You did? Did you show them to your teacher?
The Boy: No, but we showed them to the GIRLS!
The Mom: Did the girls like them?
The Boy: Mom, they were TOTALLY GROSSED OUT!!!! (Laughter)
The Mom: What did you do with them? Did you let them go?
The Boy: Yeah, we let them go. It was time to go in so we let them go. (long pause)
....and then we STOMPED on them!!!!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Single Parenthood
Double standards
Little money
Long days
Short nights
All the laughs
All the snuggles
Getting by
Moving forward
Letting go
Little money
Long days
Short nights
All the laughs
All the snuggles
Getting by
Moving forward
Letting go
Friday, August 15, 2008
Healing....after three years!
Got a new house.
Planning a party,
Never thought I would do it again!!!!!!
Feels good!!!
Details to follow,
Missing a few key note speakers.
In my heart always.
Planning a party,
Never thought I would do it again!!!!!!
Feels good!!!
Details to follow,
Missing a few key note speakers.
In my heart always.
Bowing Gracefully
Jammers needed a plethora of school supplies this week in addition to the bulk i had already purchased.
So did Liney.
The kids DO stress out over this!!!!
No pride here.
I did what I could do and Jam approached her band teacher and simply said, "My mom can't afford it."
Enough said.
Books in hand.
It sometimes breaks my heart, but it is what it is.
Working Duty and a multitude of after school programs, I cannot say I am not doing my part1
So did Liney.
The kids DO stress out over this!!!!
No pride here.
I did what I could do and Jam approached her band teacher and simply said, "My mom can't afford it."
Enough said.
Books in hand.
It sometimes breaks my heart, but it is what it is.
Working Duty and a multitude of after school programs, I cannot say I am not doing my part1
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The necessasary peril.
I have a new plan after DROWNING in this enemy for YEARS!
Each kid has a laundry bag with their name on it - A cheap canvas bag that I labeled with a fabric pen.
Each day I take one bag to the laundry room.....two loads; colors and whites.
Every kid has a different "laundry day"
They fold and put away! Simple Their bag, their clothes, THEIR JOB!!!!!!!
This doesn't work pre age five but it has been a lifesaver thereafter!
(And they look forward to "their day" so it is no longer a chore either!)
I have a new plan after DROWNING in this enemy for YEARS!
Each kid has a laundry bag with their name on it - A cheap canvas bag that I labeled with a fabric pen.
Each day I take one bag to the laundry room.....two loads; colors and whites.
Every kid has a different "laundry day"
They fold and put away! Simple Their bag, their clothes, THEIR JOB!!!!!!!
This doesn't work pre age five but it has been a lifesaver thereafter!
(And they look forward to "their day" so it is no longer a chore either!)
Low Moment.....
My budget reaches to the end of every penny and beyond SO....
When the necessary checks don't arrive I am at a loss of words or response. Choices somehow seem limited and
I am TIRED of the same old thing over and over again.
I have taken on a second job at school and two after school programs.
I'm FRUSTRATED tonight!!!!!!
I don't like being between a rock and a hard place!!!!!!
When the necessary checks don't arrive I am at a loss of words or response. Choices somehow seem limited and
I am TIRED of the same old thing over and over again.
I have taken on a second job at school and two after school programs.
I'm FRUSTRATED tonight!!!!!!
I don't like being between a rock and a hard place!!!!!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Sometimes it takes losing everything you believe is important to help you regain focus and control of your life. I could not have written that post even 6 months ago - I was still engaged in the emotional repartee of toxic relationships - relationships that brought me down instead of making me stronger, confidants that didn't hesitate to "dish it out," with poetic license, but who refused to accept the same honesty in return and zapped my self esteem; who kept me in a cycle of anger and resentment.
The day I let go of that anger and chose to thrive was the beginning of a tremendous wave of positive energy that continues to enrich my life in ways I never dreamed would happen.
Do you want to be "right" or do you want to be "happy?"
The day I let go of that anger and chose to thrive was the beginning of a tremendous wave of positive energy that continues to enrich my life in ways I never dreamed would happen.
Do you want to be "right" or do you want to be "happy?"
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Being Yourself and Doing it Well
I’m a single mom.
I am also a woman, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a teacher, a musician, a student and a writer.
I wear many hats and doing so is not always easy.
Obviously, a great mom loves her kids, takes care of their basic physical and emotional needs, and spends quality time with them. Being a great mom also means taking care of yourself - a lesson that took me three years and a lot of pain to learn.
Some things I've learned the HARD WAY:
1. Stay true to yourself. You don’t have to give up your own passions and interests once you become a single parent. It’s important that you find time for what YOU love to do. Reading, writing, exercising – make these a priority and find a way to incorporate those into your routine. Easier said than done, I know, but you should at least aim to keep doing what you love, even if you don’t get to do it as often as before. If you take care of your own needs, you will be happier and will function better as a parent.
2. Don’t be a martyr. The kids didn't ask for it, they don’t need it, and they certainly don’t need to pay the price that comes with being parented by a martyr. Need some time alone? Let the kids watch TV for an hour and go read a book. Feel like you haven’t had adult interaction in ages? Leave them with a trusted sitter for the evening and make plans to have dinner with a friend. Getting to the point where you are utterly exhausted is not good for you or for your kids.
3. You're not perfect. This is true for life in general regardless of single parenthood. Striving for perfection is always a bad idea, because life is messy and unpredictable and full of surprises. Trying to create perfection, or to maintain complete control, is simply impossible and should never be your goal. Once you become a single parent, life is messier and crazier than ever before, so it’s more important than ever to let go of that perfectionism. You need to accept that the house will sometimes be untidy, that once in a while dinner will be takeout, and that the kids will sometimes have to entertain themselves while you recharge and regroup. You need to stop living up to the expectations you had of yourself before you became a single parent. You are not in the same situation as before and that is OKAY!
4.Stop feeling guilty. Guilt seems to be one of the most common side effects of single parenthood. A friend once told me that she feels guilty every single day. I too am often guilty of feeling guilty. Once you make a decision, like allowing the kids to play a computer game while you have some time for yourself, try to avoid second-guessing yourself or letting others second guess you. You are doing the best that you can. I used to entertain all the time and I took great pride in that role. I no longer have the time, the means or the interest in adding anything extra to my to-do list. Some have actually found this insulting! Face it, you cannot physically, financially or emotionally be all things to all people at all times. No one can, single or not, and you are not expected to. As long as you love your children and provide their basic needs, your kids will turn out fine and those that don't understand that are toxic to your well being.
5. Be Patient. Raising kids is hard work. Kids are noisy, messy and incredibly demanding. Yes, you will lose your patience once in a while, but for the most part, step back and see them for the wonderful people that they are. Think back and remember yourself during that season in your life and remember how hard growing up can be. I am not a patient person by nature, but single parenthood has taught me to be more patient than I ever thought I could possibly be.
6. Listen to your children. We tend to assume that we know more than our kids do, which is true to some extent of course, but it's not always the case. In addition, we often act as problem-solvers, dishing immediate advice, when all they need is for us to listen to them. Children need parents who are active listeners, who guide them to make decisions and become effective problem solvers, not parents who heal all wounds, solve all problems and immediately discipline all offenses, often in the interest of time. REAL LISTENING takes time, a closed mouth and an open mind. You've been given two ears and one mouth for a reason. My daughter once felt that a close friend of mine didn't like her - she was adamant about it and I was dismissive. Guess what, as it turns out, she was right and while I no longer see that friend, I learned about listening the hard way; fortunately, not at my daughter's expense.
7. Be their parent, not their friend. Set limits. In a way, it was easy for previous generations. Parents were parents. Kids were kids. Families were patriarchal. Everyone listened and obeyed to the father. Now, families are democratic and no two families look alike. As single parents, we negotiate, talk things over, and listen to each other. We make important decisions together. This is great, but kids still need us to be their parents and set clear limits. We should listen to them and respect them – but we are not their peers. When I was a pre-teen, I used to snap at my mom, “I’m not going to be your friend anymore!” She would look at me calmly and respond, “Well, you are NOT my friend. You are my daughter”. It used to drive me crazy, but she was right. Our job is to be our kids’ parents – not their friends (in a friendly way, of course.)
8. Teach them simplicity. You will do them a HUGE favor. If you teach them at a young age to avoid associating happiness with the accumulation of material possessions they will know how to find real happiness in life. My kids early years were spent in a very affluent community and we were no different. Life is so much easier now! When it’s time to declutter, I allow my children to be part of the process, and we talk about how we don’t need all that STUFF. We never go shopping as a fun outing. They know that shopping is a necessary evil, something that you do when you really NEED something. We reuse as much as we can, resell as much as we can and our motto is "If something new comes in, something old goes out." We buy only what we REALLY need, everyone does not get the same amount and we wait until things go on sale. There's something to be said for the lesson of delayed gratification too - especially in this age of immediate feedback!
9. Don’t push them too hard. I was raised as an overachiever, and I can testify from my own experience that overachieving does NOT lead to happiness. I do want my kids to be successful. I want them to reach their full potential and to be financially secure. I allow my kids to pursue those enrichment activities they truly enjoy, am actively involved in their school work, but understand that not every experience or grade is going to be perfect.....and in my house, that's okay. My job is to guide them, not push them!
10. Teach them self-esteem. A person with a high self-esteem values herself and will be less likely to succumb to peer pressure. This person is more likely to be happy and to reach her full potential. You teach this by showing your children that you value them, by spending time with them, and by talking with them and listening to them and by loving them unconditionally. Focus on your child's strengths, not their weaknesses and use positive, encouraging words to help them to do the same. Keep their personal issues private so they learn to trust you and see you as a safe haven. High self-esteem is the single most important gift that a parent can give their kids.
11. Teach them to be self-reliant. It’s very tempting to help your children in a way that robs them of the opportunity to help themselves. At every developmental stage your child reaches, she can do things by herself. If you do them for her, you are not really helping her, but rather holding her back. Gently teach her independence and let her do what she can do, and what is appropriate for her to do, by herself. The sense of accomplishment that comes with being independent is immensely important for a child. I once read in Penelope Leach’s book something that left a huge impression on me: good parents work themselves out of the picture – slowly. Don't get involved in your children's arguments - allow them to solve these issues and come to a compromise themselves. You'd be surprised at how little they really need you when they scream your name!
12. Laugh and have fun! When you’re a single parent, it’s easy to become so absorbed in the logistics of taking care of your kids, your home, your job and yourself, that you sometimes forget to relax and have fun. Kids are fun. They give you a wonderful opportunity to be a child all over again, and to do things that you never thought you would do as an adult: playing in the rain, making sand castles, singing at the top of your lungs, a date with play dough, finger painting....... See the world through their innocent, curious eyes. Enjoy them.
Parenting is a big job. Single parenting is 2x bigger. Isn't it a great feeling to wake up each day and really love going to work?
I am also a woman, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a teacher, a musician, a student and a writer.
I wear many hats and doing so is not always easy.
Obviously, a great mom loves her kids, takes care of their basic physical and emotional needs, and spends quality time with them. Being a great mom also means taking care of yourself - a lesson that took me three years and a lot of pain to learn.
Some things I've learned the HARD WAY:
1. Stay true to yourself. You don’t have to give up your own passions and interests once you become a single parent. It’s important that you find time for what YOU love to do. Reading, writing, exercising – make these a priority and find a way to incorporate those into your routine. Easier said than done, I know, but you should at least aim to keep doing what you love, even if you don’t get to do it as often as before. If you take care of your own needs, you will be happier and will function better as a parent.
2. Don’t be a martyr. The kids didn't ask for it, they don’t need it, and they certainly don’t need to pay the price that comes with being parented by a martyr. Need some time alone? Let the kids watch TV for an hour and go read a book. Feel like you haven’t had adult interaction in ages? Leave them with a trusted sitter for the evening and make plans to have dinner with a friend. Getting to the point where you are utterly exhausted is not good for you or for your kids.
3. You're not perfect. This is true for life in general regardless of single parenthood. Striving for perfection is always a bad idea, because life is messy and unpredictable and full of surprises. Trying to create perfection, or to maintain complete control, is simply impossible and should never be your goal. Once you become a single parent, life is messier and crazier than ever before, so it’s more important than ever to let go of that perfectionism. You need to accept that the house will sometimes be untidy, that once in a while dinner will be takeout, and that the kids will sometimes have to entertain themselves while you recharge and regroup. You need to stop living up to the expectations you had of yourself before you became a single parent. You are not in the same situation as before and that is OKAY!
4.Stop feeling guilty. Guilt seems to be one of the most common side effects of single parenthood. A friend once told me that she feels guilty every single day. I too am often guilty of feeling guilty. Once you make a decision, like allowing the kids to play a computer game while you have some time for yourself, try to avoid second-guessing yourself or letting others second guess you. You are doing the best that you can. I used to entertain all the time and I took great pride in that role. I no longer have the time, the means or the interest in adding anything extra to my to-do list. Some have actually found this insulting! Face it, you cannot physically, financially or emotionally be all things to all people at all times. No one can, single or not, and you are not expected to. As long as you love your children and provide their basic needs, your kids will turn out fine and those that don't understand that are toxic to your well being.
5. Be Patient. Raising kids is hard work. Kids are noisy, messy and incredibly demanding. Yes, you will lose your patience once in a while, but for the most part, step back and see them for the wonderful people that they are. Think back and remember yourself during that season in your life and remember how hard growing up can be. I am not a patient person by nature, but single parenthood has taught me to be more patient than I ever thought I could possibly be.
6. Listen to your children. We tend to assume that we know more than our kids do, which is true to some extent of course, but it's not always the case. In addition, we often act as problem-solvers, dishing immediate advice, when all they need is for us to listen to them. Children need parents who are active listeners, who guide them to make decisions and become effective problem solvers, not parents who heal all wounds, solve all problems and immediately discipline all offenses, often in the interest of time. REAL LISTENING takes time, a closed mouth and an open mind. You've been given two ears and one mouth for a reason. My daughter once felt that a close friend of mine didn't like her - she was adamant about it and I was dismissive. Guess what, as it turns out, she was right and while I no longer see that friend, I learned about listening the hard way; fortunately, not at my daughter's expense.
7. Be their parent, not their friend. Set limits. In a way, it was easy for previous generations. Parents were parents. Kids were kids. Families were patriarchal. Everyone listened and obeyed to the father. Now, families are democratic and no two families look alike. As single parents, we negotiate, talk things over, and listen to each other. We make important decisions together. This is great, but kids still need us to be their parents and set clear limits. We should listen to them and respect them – but we are not their peers. When I was a pre-teen, I used to snap at my mom, “I’m not going to be your friend anymore!” She would look at me calmly and respond, “Well, you are NOT my friend. You are my daughter”. It used to drive me crazy, but she was right. Our job is to be our kids’ parents – not their friends (in a friendly way, of course.)
8. Teach them simplicity. You will do them a HUGE favor. If you teach them at a young age to avoid associating happiness with the accumulation of material possessions they will know how to find real happiness in life. My kids early years were spent in a very affluent community and we were no different. Life is so much easier now! When it’s time to declutter, I allow my children to be part of the process, and we talk about how we don’t need all that STUFF. We never go shopping as a fun outing. They know that shopping is a necessary evil, something that you do when you really NEED something. We reuse as much as we can, resell as much as we can and our motto is "If something new comes in, something old goes out." We buy only what we REALLY need, everyone does not get the same amount and we wait until things go on sale. There's something to be said for the lesson of delayed gratification too - especially in this age of immediate feedback!
9. Don’t push them too hard. I was raised as an overachiever, and I can testify from my own experience that overachieving does NOT lead to happiness. I do want my kids to be successful. I want them to reach their full potential and to be financially secure. I allow my kids to pursue those enrichment activities they truly enjoy, am actively involved in their school work, but understand that not every experience or grade is going to be perfect.....and in my house, that's okay. My job is to guide them, not push them!
10. Teach them self-esteem. A person with a high self-esteem values herself and will be less likely to succumb to peer pressure. This person is more likely to be happy and to reach her full potential. You teach this by showing your children that you value them, by spending time with them, and by talking with them and listening to them and by loving them unconditionally. Focus on your child's strengths, not their weaknesses and use positive, encouraging words to help them to do the same. Keep their personal issues private so they learn to trust you and see you as a safe haven. High self-esteem is the single most important gift that a parent can give their kids.
11. Teach them to be self-reliant. It’s very tempting to help your children in a way that robs them of the opportunity to help themselves. At every developmental stage your child reaches, she can do things by herself. If you do them for her, you are not really helping her, but rather holding her back. Gently teach her independence and let her do what she can do, and what is appropriate for her to do, by herself. The sense of accomplishment that comes with being independent is immensely important for a child. I once read in Penelope Leach’s book something that left a huge impression on me: good parents work themselves out of the picture – slowly. Don't get involved in your children's arguments - allow them to solve these issues and come to a compromise themselves. You'd be surprised at how little they really need you when they scream your name!
12. Laugh and have fun! When you’re a single parent, it’s easy to become so absorbed in the logistics of taking care of your kids, your home, your job and yourself, that you sometimes forget to relax and have fun. Kids are fun. They give you a wonderful opportunity to be a child all over again, and to do things that you never thought you would do as an adult: playing in the rain, making sand castles, singing at the top of your lungs, a date with play dough, finger painting....... See the world through their innocent, curious eyes. Enjoy them.
Parenting is a big job. Single parenting is 2x bigger. Isn't it a great feeling to wake up each day and really love going to work?
being real,
carving out time,
single parents
Friday, August 1, 2008
Positives of a Single Parent Household

Do you feel like your basic daily routine is just more of "the same," day in and day out, as though your life were one big treadmill? You get up, take care of the kids, head off to work, come home and do chores, make dinner, help the kids with their homework, and collapse in exhaustion, only to get up the next day and do it all again, right? Well, there's no denying that life can certainly feel this way at times, especially when everything that must be accomplished falls squarely on your shoulders as a single parent. In addition, there is so much misinformation and negative opinion out there about the effects of divorce on families and children. This can add to the overwhelming sensation that you can't do anything right.
Good news, fellow solo parents, there are also many positives to this scenerio as well!!!
Some of the positives of a single parent household include:
* A child from a single parent home who is loved and supported has no more problems than a child from a two parent home. (Remember that when you get poor advice from well meaning friends!!!! It's just the boost you need!)
* Whether or not the child uses their free time constructively (for example, reading or playing sports) depends on discipline, family routine and quality time between parent and child - not whether the child has one or two parents living in the house.
* The child is typically mature and responsible.
* The parent is typically self-reliant and confident. (Not a bad thing to role model for your kids, right?)
* The relationship between parent and child is close.
* Single fathers are more likely to use positive parenting techniques than married fathers.
* Single parent families are less likely to rely on traditional gender-specific roles than two parent families.
* Single parents tend to rely on positive problem-solving strategies rather than punitive discipline when faced with difficult child behaviors. This does not mean you "don't discipline," just that you "discipline differently."
* Single parents tend to spend more quality time with their children because they have less time to waste.
Things to remember
* There are different reasons why a person becomes a single parent and it takes time to adjust to this role.
* Single parenting differs from dual parenting in many ways, but the most common difference is that single parents may involve their children in more household decision making. This does not mean the house is "child centered" as I have heard some say.....it means you operate as a family together.
* Children may have more duties and responsibilities around the home from an earlier age, simply because there isn’t another adult around. This is not a BAD thing, simply a fact and when my 5 year old son took out the vacuum to clean up his own spilled popcorn without being asked, I found it to be a pretty GOOD thing myself!
These are things to feel good about, they are facts! Just because some don't agree doesn't mean you are not doing a GREAT JOB!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
If at all possible, be kind to your ex!
My kids are heading back to their father for the first time in 7 months tomorrow. While I hate to see them go, this is a relationship that is important and whatever time he can give them, I cherish for them. They love their dad and so they should. I loved him too! They deserve a wonderful time together and they are excited. I love that.
Tonight, I was packing a meal for the plane. The kids requested chicken cutlet sandwiches and as airlines no longer provide meals, I obliged. I also made one for Dad - he's doing the same round trip pick up that I face next week. It's a long day.
My youngest noticed and remarked,"Mommy, you are so nice to Daddy even though he isn't nice to you. I like that."
It's sadly true. I'm not a push over and I will fight like a lioness for the well being of my kids, but what is it to be civil and cordial and do the right thing?
I have many friends that would disagree - who would lay me out like a rug and call me a fool. Who actually, at points, told me to cut this relationship off and let the chips fall as they may. I would never do such a thing. I'm not a fool.
My kids were born out of a loving relationship and for that, I will always be grateful for that season in my life - some of my very happiest years.
Sometimes, I don't realize how much they see and take in - tonight was a perfect example. Ironically, I was unaware that I was being watched!
It is a useless waste of energy to do anything less than treat another the way you hope to be treated. It's not always easy, but a heck of a lot easier than the alternative! It is not my job to teach lessons, to make points, to prove issues - it IS my job to do the very best for my kids.
Have fun kids. I hope you all enjoy your sandwiches!!!!!!
One Never Knows What Will Happen by Sharing....
I received this today. Wow. Who would've thunk?!?!
Hello Debbie:
I am a Producer for a PBS NOVA Series on Human Nature. We are
working on an episode about relationships and are looking to
highlight the various types of emotions and interactions that
help shape our human experience. Our focus will be on
relationships with friends, family and lovers and we will
explore the reasons why these relationships are so important,
the stumbling blocks we face in creating/maintaining these
relationships as well as some of the things we can do to better
deal with these hurdles. One of the topics we'd like to focus
on is divorce - including its effects and the way people
rebuild afterwards. As this is an increasingly common
phenomenon in America, we think that both sharing and
destigmatizing the experience in a respectful, natural manner
will be very beneficial.
I am writing you as we are interested in profiling a recently
divorced individual to show the things people do to get through
this experience, recuperate and start over. Would you b be interested? I am eager
to answer any questions you may have and can also provide some
more information about the series.
Hello Debbie:
I am a Producer for a PBS NOVA Series on Human Nature. We are
working on an episode about relationships and are looking to
highlight the various types of emotions and interactions that
help shape our human experience. Our focus will be on
relationships with friends, family and lovers and we will
explore the reasons why these relationships are so important,
the stumbling blocks we face in creating/maintaining these
relationships as well as some of the things we can do to better
deal with these hurdles. One of the topics we'd like to focus
on is divorce - including its effects and the way people
rebuild afterwards. As this is an increasingly common
phenomenon in America, we think that both sharing and
destigmatizing the experience in a respectful, natural manner
will be very beneficial.
I am writing you as we are interested in profiling a recently
divorced individual to show the things people do to get through
this experience, recuperate and start over. Would you b be interested? I am eager
to answer any questions you may have and can also provide some
more information about the series.
Moving Forward....We Bought a House!!!!
When you feel the energy change, just go with it. When I felt it change, I was at first, confused and then I realized that the tide was a turning.
We ARE in a great place!!!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Feeling Some Anger Tonight.....
The kids are ready to go and excited for their journey. I'm preparing for a terrific move to our new home. All good!
So why am I angry?!?
I'm angry at people who have made it impossible to share some good fortune. I'm angry at people for judging me and my kids in down moments, for blaming me for acts that were not mine, for putting me in uncomfortable situations that ended relationships and, basically, for not owning any of their own behavior as contributing to the situation.
I'm angry at people who use email to communicate - a cowardly format.
I'm angry at people who cannot be genuinely happy at someone else moving forward in a positive way. Those people that cut ties when the drama ends, those people who thrive on your drama to ignore their own!
Basically, I'm angry at people who live in security judging those of us who try to maintain peace and point fingers without looking in the mirror. I'm angry at many broken promises and at sisters who failed where I was strong - and it wasn't easy!
The ignorance makes me MAD!
People in glass houses dare not throw stones!
So why am I angry?!?
I'm angry at people who have made it impossible to share some good fortune. I'm angry at people for judging me and my kids in down moments, for blaming me for acts that were not mine, for putting me in uncomfortable situations that ended relationships and, basically, for not owning any of their own behavior as contributing to the situation.
I'm angry at people who use email to communicate - a cowardly format.
I'm angry at people who cannot be genuinely happy at someone else moving forward in a positive way. Those people that cut ties when the drama ends, those people who thrive on your drama to ignore their own!
Basically, I'm angry at people who live in security judging those of us who try to maintain peace and point fingers without looking in the mirror. I'm angry at many broken promises and at sisters who failed where I was strong - and it wasn't easy!
The ignorance makes me MAD!
People in glass houses dare not throw stones!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Old family - New Wounds
A Shoulder
We have so much to look forward to - a new house, a trip with dad, the beginning of a new school year 8/11......
I am feeling overwhelmed!!!!
I'm packing a house, a visit, readying a classroom and preparing the kids to attend a wedding! It's a bit too much and I admit, I hate it all. Getting everyone ready for school two weeks ahead of start is hard enough - moving again is rediculous and sending them back, painful!!!!!!
Heading back to work again...UGH!!!!!! I hate this time of year.
I am feeling overwhelmed!!!!
I'm packing a house, a visit, readying a classroom and preparing the kids to attend a wedding! It's a bit too much and I admit, I hate it all. Getting everyone ready for school two weeks ahead of start is hard enough - moving again is rediculous and sending them back, painful!!!!!!
Heading back to work again...UGH!!!!!! I hate this time of year.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Fear....a confessional
My kids go to visit their father and his family for the first time in 7 months next week. They will be wonderfully spoiled and for that, I am happy - almost jealous! However, I have some pretty strict rituals in this house regarding diet, t.v., water consumption, reading time, down time, up time and acceptable behavior. We are flexible, but scheduled and they have certain things that they must do before the flexibility comes into play.
I confess, I hate the turn over because, quite simply, I deal with the reprogramming upon return. I LOVE that they are getting quality time with their dad......I just hate being the heavy upon return.
Being the full time parent means being the savior and the enemy. Two weeks a year means you are Disneyland.
Yup, it's threatening! (And I won't sleep well until all four are home!)
I confess, I hate the turn over because, quite simply, I deal with the reprogramming upon return. I LOVE that they are getting quality time with their dad......I just hate being the heavy upon return.
Being the full time parent means being the savior and the enemy. Two weeks a year means you are Disneyland.
Yup, it's threatening! (And I won't sleep well until all four are home!)
Location! Location!! Location!!!
Ya know what? We live modestly in a pretty nice place and as a result, many, MANY people from our old life pass through our doors on a regular basis. The best thing about this is that we get to hang out and pretend we belong at some of the finest resorts in the world. Seriously! I have spent the last four days with my kids in some pretty beautiful places for....FREE!!!!!
(If you are wondering why I am not at work, I am a teacher and summer school has ended....a few flexible weeks - TIGHT on the budget but oh, so fun!)
(If you are wondering why I am not at work, I am a teacher and summer school has ended....a few flexible weeks - TIGHT on the budget but oh, so fun!)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tuesday Truths
Look around your house, single parents.....is it company ready?
Yes, once upon a time I could have answered "yes!"
That was the first thing to go.....
There's one of me and four of them SO, The answer is a very confident "NO!"
Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification
Yes, once upon a time I could have answered "yes!"
That was the first thing to go.....
There's one of me and four of them SO, The answer is a very confident "NO!"
Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification
Monday, July 21, 2008
Just after my unexpected separation, a well meaning family member stated, matter of fact, "There must have been reasons for him to stray." To that, I looked back, cold and confident and responded, "I will not accept blame for this man's infidelity." Nice try!
You don't think that through the years, I too have had frustrating, I don't know if I can do it moments?! I never looked at another man, never thought of looking at another man, never wanted to! Y'see, I was in it for better or for worse and sometimes it was better, sometimes worse. We traversed unemployment, health crisis's, multiple young children, family trials etc. My self esteem was always wrapped up in the well being of my nuclear family and I never looked any farther. I adored my family and my husband and enjoyed every minute, sans bill paying, that I was there to care for them. I mean that, honest and true.
In fact, three years out, I have just begun to notice other men! Some people rebound - not me. I was holed up thinking of the "what ifs" and "whys" and for a long time, my door was left just a crack open for Daddy to come home. No matter how bad he was to us, I held out hope that this new man was "temporary" and the man I knew would wake up, figure out himself and beg to return home. I contacted national doctors, experts, worked on myself, dealt with past issues....you name it. He wasn't coming home.
Perhaps, this reality, was the hardest pill to take. I was rejected. My children were rejected. I'll never forget the day when the pipes burst and the house was a frigid 32 degrees and his visit ended. I BEGGED him not to return the children to the cold and the mess and the response I received was, "My time is done and I'm bringing the kids back - it's your job to figure out how to keep them warm!!" If not for the intervention of his family, that is what would have happened. Little did he know that had he returned them, I had the police waiting to arrest him for child neglect - a place that broke my heart to enter. Lucky for him, he had his family to talk sense and that scene was avoided. His new wild temper also caused me to alert the local police that if they ever received a call from my home, they had to send two cars as it was surely a domestic situation. They were so good about this, they would circle the lane upon pick up an drop off until I blinked the lights that all was well. No one knew any of this and thankfully, it was never needed. Perhaps, just a bit of him remained!
So, everyone asks if I had signs....a small glimpse of what was to come. This is a common question. And again, the truth is, "No!" Call it naivete, perhaps stupidity, perhaps hopeless abandon.....our life was such a series of ups and downs and UPS that I truly accepted whatever came my way. It was about OUR FAMILY, after all. He had his issues, I had mine....none were fun! But, we still managed to have some! I came from a tumultuous household that had navigated many a trial so I took this "stuff" for granted as part of life. His background didn't include such things and I can only say, the result of his actions has resulted in more tumult that I ever thought possible. You simply can't escape the bed you make and you will pay, one way or the other! I often wonder if, given the choice, he would take the path he traveled. That is an answer I will never know!
And, as I speak about the significant other, I must also own my own piece of the puzzle. Following the birth of my last child, a pregnancy ridden with health problems on both ends, I had a very difficult recovery. I was told I had everything from postpartum depression to cystitis to....you name it. I had Thyroid Cancer. My moods were rampant, my bodily functions off and my energy level low. Visiting multiple doctors and being told there was "nothing wrong with me" was hard and depressing and following his critical illness, even more so. In an effort to escape, I took to a few extra glasses of wine simply to put on a happy face at the end of long and grueling days. If you have never been through the humiliation of vaginal physical therapy, consider yourself lucky - if you have; so sorry. The nerve damage, the exhaustion, the humiliation and the irregular bleeding would be trying to any marriage. For these reasons, in spite of his behavior, I had some understanding! So I own all of that, but I hung onto my rock, my husband, and believed that all would be well. I was loved unconditionally, afterall!
Well, I have since come to realize, that the only unconditional love is between certain parents and children. I cannot even say this is for all as I have heard friends talk down their own children, a place I cannot even imagine. What I do know is that I loved my husband and of course, I love my children. I would have stuck through the craziness, but y'see I didn't have the excitement of work relationships building my self esteem.
I guess, in hindsight, there were "Reasons," but they were things I would have overlooked unless forced to swallow them.
You don't think that through the years, I too have had frustrating, I don't know if I can do it moments?! I never looked at another man, never thought of looking at another man, never wanted to! Y'see, I was in it for better or for worse and sometimes it was better, sometimes worse. We traversed unemployment, health crisis's, multiple young children, family trials etc. My self esteem was always wrapped up in the well being of my nuclear family and I never looked any farther. I adored my family and my husband and enjoyed every minute, sans bill paying, that I was there to care for them. I mean that, honest and true.
In fact, three years out, I have just begun to notice other men! Some people rebound - not me. I was holed up thinking of the "what ifs" and "whys" and for a long time, my door was left just a crack open for Daddy to come home. No matter how bad he was to us, I held out hope that this new man was "temporary" and the man I knew would wake up, figure out himself and beg to return home. I contacted national doctors, experts, worked on myself, dealt with past issues....you name it. He wasn't coming home.
Perhaps, this reality, was the hardest pill to take. I was rejected. My children were rejected. I'll never forget the day when the pipes burst and the house was a frigid 32 degrees and his visit ended. I BEGGED him not to return the children to the cold and the mess and the response I received was, "My time is done and I'm bringing the kids back - it's your job to figure out how to keep them warm!!" If not for the intervention of his family, that is what would have happened. Little did he know that had he returned them, I had the police waiting to arrest him for child neglect - a place that broke my heart to enter. Lucky for him, he had his family to talk sense and that scene was avoided. His new wild temper also caused me to alert the local police that if they ever received a call from my home, they had to send two cars as it was surely a domestic situation. They were so good about this, they would circle the lane upon pick up an drop off until I blinked the lights that all was well. No one knew any of this and thankfully, it was never needed. Perhaps, just a bit of him remained!
So, everyone asks if I had signs....a small glimpse of what was to come. This is a common question. And again, the truth is, "No!" Call it naivete, perhaps stupidity, perhaps hopeless abandon.....our life was such a series of ups and downs and UPS that I truly accepted whatever came my way. It was about OUR FAMILY, after all. He had his issues, I had mine....none were fun! But, we still managed to have some! I came from a tumultuous household that had navigated many a trial so I took this "stuff" for granted as part of life. His background didn't include such things and I can only say, the result of his actions has resulted in more tumult that I ever thought possible. You simply can't escape the bed you make and you will pay, one way or the other! I often wonder if, given the choice, he would take the path he traveled. That is an answer I will never know!
And, as I speak about the significant other, I must also own my own piece of the puzzle. Following the birth of my last child, a pregnancy ridden with health problems on both ends, I had a very difficult recovery. I was told I had everything from postpartum depression to cystitis to....you name it. I had Thyroid Cancer. My moods were rampant, my bodily functions off and my energy level low. Visiting multiple doctors and being told there was "nothing wrong with me" was hard and depressing and following his critical illness, even more so. In an effort to escape, I took to a few extra glasses of wine simply to put on a happy face at the end of long and grueling days. If you have never been through the humiliation of vaginal physical therapy, consider yourself lucky - if you have; so sorry. The nerve damage, the exhaustion, the humiliation and the irregular bleeding would be trying to any marriage. For these reasons, in spite of his behavior, I had some understanding! So I own all of that, but I hung onto my rock, my husband, and believed that all would be well. I was loved unconditionally, afterall!
Well, I have since come to realize, that the only unconditional love is between certain parents and children. I cannot even say this is for all as I have heard friends talk down their own children, a place I cannot even imagine. What I do know is that I loved my husband and of course, I love my children. I would have stuck through the craziness, but y'see I didn't have the excitement of work relationships building my self esteem.
I guess, in hindsight, there were "Reasons," but they were things I would have overlooked unless forced to swallow them.
How Did I Get Here Anyway?!?
I was married to a wonderful man. In fact, I married my very best friend and when he first expressed romantic interest in me, I politely declined as the fear of losing that friendship was more important to me than storybook love. He continued to pursue and eventually I gave in and for the next 15 years, I truly had fun. So sure was I that we were a forever couple, we had our wedding bands tattooed for our tenth anniversary as an "off beat renewing of our vows." During those ten years, we had four beautiful children and I was the girl who never complained about her husband. Seriously, I have friends who will shake their heads in shock to this day because I never, EVER said a bad word about this guy. He was a devoted family man, a great father, good for a laugh, loyal, trustworthy and fun to be with. His children adored him so much that when he entered the house after a long day at work, I became invisible. He participated in the town government, the school PTA, was the chief of the YMCA Indian Guides and Princesses, and was loved by all. I had the guy that the rest of the world envied.
In less than a year after that famed tattoo anniversary, he was gone. One day, he just came home and said, "I'm done." Done?!?! Done with US?!?!
Oh, he was done alright! He was done with everything! He packed a small overnight bag, a tennis racket, his motorcycle and disappeared leaving no forwarding address. There I was with four children ages 2-8 and the only contact I had with their father was a cell phone he rarely answered. We were in the process of moving and renovating a new home - a home he had carefully chosen every piece of molding and appliance for and.....he was DONE! (a private investigator later revealed my unsung fears - he was having an affair with that girl at work I had warned him about!)
Within a matter of months, he lost his job, we lost our home, and it wasn't long before I learned that court orders and agreements meant little to this guy - this wonderful guy I never said a bad word about. IF we received support, it arrived late. IF he came to see the children, he arrived late - and returned early. What happened to Super Daddy, the hero to all?!
Well, it's now three years later. I am the solo parent to the same four beautiful children - now ages 11-5. We live in a beautiful area on very little money, but we are still going strong. The children will visit Dad next week for the first time in 7 months (save for another post!) and we just got word that WE BOUGHT OUR OWN HOME!!!! Not bad on a measly teacher's salary! Support is now not only ordered, it is GARNISHED and guess what, I still have that damn tattoo! (Simply because the cost of removal is a bit more than I can justify.)
I've searched many sites on the web for support and guidance, have read numerous books and received much advice (some a lot better than others) during this never ending journey. What I haven't found was a place that simply offered dialog to others who are traversing this isolated journey that only those who live can understand.
So, welcome to my feeble attempt to provide a place of laughter and support to others, who like me are All Together Alone.
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