Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fear....a confessional

My kids go to visit their father and his family for the first time in 7 months next week. They will be wonderfully spoiled and for that, I am happy - almost jealous! However, I have some pretty strict rituals in this house regarding diet, t.v., water consumption, reading time, down time, up time and acceptable behavior. We are flexible, but scheduled and they have certain things that they must do before the flexibility comes into play.
I confess, I hate the turn over because, quite simply, I deal with the reprogramming upon return. I LOVE that they are getting quality time with their dad......I just hate being the heavy upon return.
Being the full time parent means being the savior and the enemy. Two weeks a year means you are Disneyland.
Yup, it's threatening! (And I won't sleep well until all four are home!)

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