Sunday, August 24, 2008

Doing the right thing - because I want to

The boy said to me today, "I don't have a real daddy." It broke my heart. Really.
I responded saying, "You have a wonderful Daddy. You just had a great trip to NY and it was a wonderful time with Dad!"
Response: "But I don't have a real dad like the other kids." \
No.....he doesn't.

Wnen Daddy called tonight, the kids asked if he was coming for their birthdays. I had been thinking about this for awhile, silently pondering how I would deal with this as money for both of us is tight, tight TIGHT!!!!!!

We now have a downstairs bedroom and, quite honestly, neither of us has a dime to spare and I know that.

So, I buckled down and offered the room - something I've been pondering late at night for weeks - I went out on a limb on behalf of wonderful kids and Dad does, in fact, have a place to say if he so chooses. I know many would call me a fool, but really, who wins and who loses? Is it about the adults or the children? (Silently, the best thing I ever did was to get rid of the staunch critics!)

So many would call me a fool, but really it's all about them and seeing their dad is the most important thing.
I'm happy - not sorry, guys!
And yes....I do hope he takes the offer on behalf of our WONDERFUL childrem!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you. You are once again doing the right thing, not the popular thing. I too hope he takes you up on the offer.