Monday, August 25, 2008

Our Home at Last!

Our Home at Last!

We did it!!!! We finished the move. A good house cleaning and a "thank you so much" and we're off to our new life with no strings attached. Truly, I didn't realize until after a LLOOONNNGGG 12 hour day at work, just how exhausting this has been. I look around my wonderful, simple new home, my perfect neighborhood for the kids, and all I see are BOXES and pictures awaiting their permanent resting places. Being the great procrastinator that I am, I simply look. I have a lifetime to complete this task, right? I've said this before and I HOPE I never say this again......"If I never move again it will be too soon!" (Although, I must admit, doing it in stages was FAR LESS stressful than an all at once gig and I barely noticed the strain until I came close to the deadline.)

There is a reason why moving is on the top ten list of stressors - along with death of a loved one, illness, job changes, divorce etc. Amazingly, I was hit with 5 out of ten simultaneously and I'm still standing - happy and peaceful, in fact. Would I want to live through any of this again? NO!!!!!!!! Did I struggle at times? YES!!!!! Is it over? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No matter what your circumstances, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it's a spark, sometimes just a flicker....but it's there. You just keep swimming until you can see it head on and you learn with each dark, scary step that all will eventually be okay.

I'm sure those people who climb big mountains don't LOVE the journey. It's the goal. From the bottom, the journey must look daunting. Mid way, the fatigue must be paralyzing. Close to the top, there must be thoughts of "I can't do this anymore, but I came this far so I press on."

....And then, they reach the summit...the gold ring....the prize....and they realize, they have a great story to tell and it was all worth it because they MADE IT!


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