Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Dinner Table

From the time my kids were born, sitting down at the dinner table was an important part of our day - as important as reading aloud, tucks in and bedtime rituals.

For awhile, I lost my momentum as a mom. I had no appetite, my taste buds were fried by radiation and, quite frankly, I was suffering a paralyzing depression that afforded me the energy to go to work, deal with the kids, and head off to sleep asap. Such is life when dealt huge blows.

Of course, the kids always has a nutritious dinner and there bedtime story. It was the family time that was lacking.

Well, healed and moving on, sorry for the past and moving forward, we have our tradition renewed. It is such and important time of the day. We sit together - no t.v., no phone, no anything but each other and we process the day, resolve conflict, make plans and just connect.

As we navigate these dark seas, I want to offer out hope. If you asked me 1 year ago where I'd be....I'd have no answer. Even six months ago, I was still caught in the system.

But, sitting down to dinner, seven nights per week, LAUGHING, SHARING and LOVING.....Priceless!!!!!

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