Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wake and Sleep

I truly do awake at 5 a.m. It's the hour when I catch up on life. I read, correct papers, wander with my cup of coffee - sometimes doze - a lazy,relaxed way to enter the day....It's a cherished time for me - my only time alone. Around 6:30 the house begins to stir and the day hits me head on, right between the eyes. From that moment until about 7:30p.m. we hit work/school, my after school job, homework, house cleaning,cooking, laundry, dishes - it's a whirlwind. Finally, we settle all together for a show or a book or both for a brief few minutes before we hunker down. Mom too. Long day. And tomorrow morning we start all over again........I DO APPRECIATE THE WEEKENDS!!!!!

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