Monday, September 22, 2008

I Won the Bet!!!!

En route to school this morning, my birthday girl was feeling a bit lost. The last conversation she has with her dad was harsh!!!!

We have decompressed for days and as of this morning, she was questioning whether she was loved less than her sister.

Of course, I reassured her that was not the case. I, once again, went on a limb to explain what I know to be true. She would have none of it.

So....we made a bet. I bet her a hypothetical $50 that she would have her IPOD at the end of the day - that Dad would come through and proclaim himself a hero. I was laughed all of the way into school this morning.

None the less, the phone rang right after school. The IPOD was ordered and engraved. I know the pattern. Beat me up and bring me flowers! She was almost frustrated that I won the bet - I wasn't because she was smiling.

So the story ends happily. Albeit....we have a lot of therapy to deal with! :) I'll not let this happen again.

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